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Lower Blood Pressure Readings May Be Dangerous When Treating Hypertension

submitted by: admin on 07/10/2014
A medical study from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center published an article in the journal, Internal Medicine, in June of 2014 that contradicts common medical belief that when treating hypertension, the lower the better. They studied 4,480 patients for 21 years and found that once blood pressure is below 140, there is no benefit in loweing the systolic...

Lowering Cholesterol: What Does it Do?

submitted by: admin on 12/03/2024
Lowering cholesterol is not directly correlated to stopping arteriosclerosis and extending life. Inflammation is the cause and should be the primary target. Statins have serious side effects but have value in some people. Berberine causes more cholesterol receptor to form that bind with cholesterol and thereby lower its levels.

Lying Less Linked to Better Health

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
  A study out of Notre Dame University August of 2012 showed that telling the truth when tempted to lie can significantly improve a person's mental and physical health. Investigators sampled 110 people over 10 weeks. Half were instructed to stop telling major and minor lies for the 10 week study. Both groups returned to the lab weekly to complete...

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