Co-sponsor Bill A. B. 1278 to Support Integrative Cancer Treatment

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025

Please copy and paste and either scan or fax as directed below. Thanks...Dr. Len







Letter of support from organizations, companies, or citizens for
A.B. 1278
- Integrative Cancer Treatment Bill

Introduced by Senator Ben Hueso

Our organization, company, or individual citizen is supportive of this bill and urges our members and legislators to support the bill.

Name of organization, company or citizen

Address of organization, company, or citizen

_________________________________________________ Phone ___________
Signature of Officer of organization, or citizen authorizing letter of support

Title of officer or individual citizen


We also want to be listed as a co-sponsor of Bill AB 1278   __________________


Please scan and send to

Or Fax to 916.327.3522
Senator Ben Hueso
ATTN: Maria Garcia
State Capitol, Room 2054

Or send to:   
Senator Ben Hueso
ATTN: Maria Garcia
State Capitol, Room 2054
Sacramento, CA 95814            





April 2013

We need your support
Did you know that it is a felony in the State of California to treat cancer with anything except surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy? Now, I'm not against these treatments, but I do believe it is important and scientifically proper that we consider all therapies that could be of value in treating cancer without the threat of a fine, loss of license, and the possibility of going to prison.

I believe that it is the obligation of anyone treating cancer, both oncologists and CAM practitioners, to be familiar with treatments that go beyond the limits of their particular discipline. As patients we deserve nothing less!

Nutrition, immune support, cutting edge therapies that are safe and non-toxic, and promotion of a healthy lifestyle are all approaches that should be considered as options in treating cancer.

Did you know that the overall 5 year survival rate for stage 4 metastatic cancer is only between 2-3%?

As a board member of California Citizens for Health Freedom and as your doctor, I'm asking you to support California A. B. 1278 that is being introduced by Senator Ben Hueso. I would appreciate it if you would fill out this very short form and either fax or scan it to Senator Hueso. It will take you less than 2 minutes to complete.


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