David McArthur, JD

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025

David McArthur, JD

Spiritual Support



David McArthur is a spiritual counselor, HeartMath® specialist, ordained Unity minister, author, executive director of Intelligent Heart, and an international lecturer and teacher in the science of reversing stress and accessing personal levels of wisdom and guidance. He is presently the senior minister at the Unity Center of Walnut Creek. David served for over seven years on the staff of the Institute of HeartMath and for over twentyeight years as a Unity minister and spiritual counselor. He has taught prayer, meditation, and personal transformation for over thirty years. He entered ministry following a successful legal career.

David’s book, The Intelligent Heart, which he co-authored with his father, reveals new discoveries in the process of personal transformation. David has taught leaders of many religions the health and well being advances attainable through heart based skills of spiritual and personal connection. David is joined by a committed team of teachers who help him assist people in applying the simple yet profound skills that bring about inner peace, guidance, and mental clarity. Respecting all religious backgrounds, David effectively supports people in enriching their spiritual life and practice resulting in the healing power of Spirit coming into full effect in their lives.

You Can Expect David to Assist You in:

 Explore practices of spiritual support that honor your own spiritual path and are meaningful to you.He will assist you in bringing those spiritual practices into an active role in your plan for health.
 Exploring those things that block spiritual connection including the impact of stress and worry that naturally occur in life and when working with health concerns.
 Developing the skills that help to transform those limiting responses, and enhance the skills that connect you with your innate wisdom and guidance.
 Deepening your own spiritual experience, accessing valuable spiritual support and finding your true inner peace and wisdom.

You will add to the extensive knowledge and skill you receive from the outstanding professionals of the Health Medicine Clinic, the transforming power of Spirit.

Treatment Philosophy

Recognizing that the true healing force within us is spiritual, David is committed to supporting you in bringing forward the spiritual power in your life as an active and vital force in creating your healing and sustaining your well being.


David McAuthur, JD is a Recommended Health Coach by Dr. Saputo for DoctorSaputo.com. The link below leads to media files that are in the DoctorSaputo.com library that were done with David.


David McAuthur, JD



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