Dr. Saputo's Nutritional Support Protocols

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025

Dr. Saputo's Nutritional Support Protocols have been thoughtfully created to provide you with simple, effective, and safe approaches that can support your health care needs. Our goal at DoctorSaputo.com is to offer you the products that you need, rather than selling you a lot of products.

Because we feel it is important to select only those products that are appropriate to your unique needs, we offer a free 15 minute consultation with our nutritionist, Geoffrey Marx, to everyone purchasing products from our site. You can set up your free consultation by clicking here

Our protocols are intended to provide you with information to be shared with a qualified health care practitioner who can consider applying our suggestions to your particular health care needs. We do not recommend any products on our site as treatment for any health condition because we are not your health care practitioner.

All our hand-selected nutritional products are available in our DoctorSaputo.com Shop

Insomnia Protocol

  A good night's sleep is absolutely essential for good health and most of us need between 7-8 hours every night. Lack of sleep leads to a state of inflammation and high levels of stress hormones, which lead to a wide range of diseases that include type 2 diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, obesity ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

General Wellness and Prevention Protocol

  We cannot be healthy if we don't live a healthy lifestyle. If all of our cells are healthy, infact, it is impossible to be sick! So, our job is to keep our cells healthy by living a healthy lifestyle that includes diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction, proper weight, and having meaningful purpose in our lives. If we follow these ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

BREAST CANCER RISK REDUCTION: Nutritional Support Protocol

  Breast cancer risk is related to genetics about 10% of the time. Environmental and lifestyle factors have much more to do with getting cancer and they are modifiable. Estrogen is a big player in causing cancer and we all know now that HRT increases the risk for breast cancer. There is a lot we can do to prevent activating cancer genes ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

ASTHMA: Nutritional Support Protocol

  Asthma is found across all age groups and it presents itself as wheezing but sometimes only as a cough. The prevalence of asthma is increasing and air pollution is probably part of the reason. Taking a careful history may identify what is new in the environment that could explain why it happened. Traffic pollution is an important ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

Stress: Nutritional Support Protocol

    Stress in the short term boosts our ability to cope with stress, but when it becomes longterm it creates major problems with our health. When we're stressed and don't have the tools to deal with it, we repress the situation but it remains in our bag of problems. This can lead to PTSD. It is possible to identify and re-address ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

POST STROKE: Nutritional Support Protocol

  The cause of most strokes is the result of interrupted blood flow to the brain from plaque, clots, and bleeding. Transient ischemic attacks are often the warning of an impending stroke and they are a medical emergency. It is critical to maintain a normal blood pressure. The best treatment to prevent a stroke is a healthy lifestyle. ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

NEUROPATHY: Nutritional Support Protocol

    There many, many causes of neuropathy. The most common neuropathies are caused by diabetes, chemotherapy, lumbar disc disease, heavy metal poisoning, and environmental toxins. While infrared light therapy is by far the most effective and best tolerated treatment, there are many nutritional factors that support healing the ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

LEAKY GUT: Nutritional Support Protocol

    The intestinal lining has the paradoxical role of selectively letting into the body those chemicals, which it needs, and keeping out what is toxic. The permeability of this barrier is an especially important factor in maintaining the integrity of these critical functions. The leaky gut syndrome exists when some factor makes ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

Weight Loss: Nutritional Support Protocol

  Weight loss takes much more than will power. There are many reasons why people become overweight that must be dealt with in order to lose and sustain weight loss. There are endocrine causes such as thyroid, adrenal, and ovarian causes as well as diet, exercise, PTSD, insomnia, environmental toxins, many drugs, and quitting smoking ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

SUBSTANCE WITHDRAWAL (ALCOHOL) Nutritional Support Protocol

    Alcohol withdrawal is best accomplished with a team of healthcare practitioners who can support the physical, biochemical, emotional and spiritual needs of the person going through the process. The lifestyle, dietary, and supplement programs below are a good start to begin an alcohol withdrawal program. But remember, Dr. ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

Hiatal Hernias: Nutritional Support Protocol

  Hiatal hernias develop when the opening between the esophagus and stomach is too wide and cannot fully close. This allows food in the stomach to regurgitate into the lower end of the esophagus and, because it does not have the protective lining the stomach has, to burn it with stomach acids. This can lead to "intestinalization" ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

ALZHEIMER'S: Nutritional Support Protocol

  Alzheimer's disease (AD) is like an electrical "brown out" that develops as energy production in certain brain cells begins to fail. Using nutritional tools makes it possible to resuscitate mitochondrial energy production and either stabilize or improve symptoms. Drugs are of known minimal value and they also have plenty ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program


    Drug withdrawal, particlarly with pharmaceutical drug addiction, is best accomplished with a team of healthcare practitioners who can support the physical, biochemical, emotional and spiritual needs of the person going through the process. The lifestyle, dietary, and supplement programs below are a good start to begin a ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

SPORTS PERFORMANCE: Nutritional Support Protocol

    While is is very important to consume the raw materials in our diet to produce sufficient energy (ATP) to be able to exercise, there are also particular nutrients that are important in enhancing athletic performance that can be obtained in special diets or with supplemetation. For optimal performance in sport it is important ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

Post Heart Attack Support Protocol

  Once you have had a heart attack it is important to work with a qualified cardiologist to assess the complications of heart disease that include angina, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, and factors related to disease progression. Dr. Saputo also recommends a complete integrative program that includes lifestyle, diet, and ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

Hypertension: Nutritional Support Protocol

Hypertension is caused most of the time by lifestyle habits that need improving. Mainstream medicine looks to the quick fix with an array of anti-hypertensive drugs that can work, but at the price of a multitude of known and as yet unknown side effects that can be lifethreatening. Most people with hypertension can get off of their drugs if they ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

MENOPAUSE: Nutritional Support Protocol

  Lifestyle that includes a healthy diet, exercise, low stress, adequate sleep, and weight management are keys to managing menopause. For PMS black cohosh, essential fatty acids, and neurotransmitter management with 5-HTP, St. John's wort, natural estrogens and progesterone can all help the symptoms of menpause. PMS and menopause ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

Diabetes: Nutritional Support Protocol

  Type 2 diabetes is usually a preventable and reversible disease once it has come on. It develops largely because of poor lifestyle strategies related to diet, exercise, sleep, stress, weight, and toxic exposures (includes pharmaceutical drugs). While mainstream medicine relies mostly on drugs to manage blood sugar levels, all of these ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

Cholesterol Reduction: Nutritional Support Protocol

  Cholesterol management is a high priority in today's medical care, especially for secondary prevention (meaning you have had a heart attack, stroke, or other major arteriosclerotic event). Because of the extensive side effects of statin drugs, they are not recommended for primary prevention in today's mainstream protocols. While ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Constipation (IBS-­C) Nutritional Support Protocol

  Most cases of IBS are associated with an imbalance of the microbes in the gut. Correcting this imbalance with natural microbes can have a profound effect on symptoms and recovery. Probiotics (friendly microbes) are a cornerstone of effective treatment, but there are many essential nutrients that support the natural healing process of the ...
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Dr. Saputo Wellness Program


Irritable Bowel Syndrome Constipation (IBS-­C) Nutritional Support Protocol

  Most cases of IBS are associated with an imbalance of the microbes in the gut. Correcting this imbalance with natural microbes can have a profound effect on symptoms and recovery. Probiotics (friendly microbes) are a cornerstone of effective treatment, but there are many essential nutrients that support the natural healing process of the ...
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Fibromyalgia Nutritional Support Protocol

  Modern medicine does not have very effective treatment for people suffering from the family of diseases that include fibromyalgia (FM), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS). Mainstream treatment remains entrenched in using a wide variety of drugs intended to relieve the gastrointestinal, endocrine, ...
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Cancer Support Protocol

    The body has to allow cancer to develop and certain factors are critical for this to happen. Maintaining an alkaline environment is important to supporting the optimal enzymatic function our cells need to process the food we consume. About 40% of all cancers is caused by bad diets that are loaded with pesticides, herbicides, ...
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PAIN AND INFLAMMATION - CHRONIC: Nutritional Support Protocol

  Few of us are free of chronic pain and inflammation. We tend to rely on pharmaceutical drugs to relieve our symptoms, but this does little in the long run, and inhibits the healing process in the short term. Lifestyle medicine is the key to resolving inflammation and pain. Dr. Saputo recommends the lifestyle, dietary, and supplements listed ...



  Peptic Ulcers: Nutritional Support Protocol

  Peptic Ulcers affect up to 10% of us over our lifetime. Symptoms generally include burning in the upper abdomen, dull aching pain, and sometimes nausea and vomiting, especially if they are complicated by hemorrhaging or perforation of the intestinal wall. Peptic ulcers occur in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. H. pylori is believed ...
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ARTHRITIS: Nutritional Support Protocol 

    There are many different types of arthritis but all of them are caused and worsened by inflammation. It is important that we live a healthy lifestyle to reduce inflammation by insuring we eat a healthy diet, get plenty of exercise, sleep enough, manage our stress, control our weight and have a meaningful purpose in our ...
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