Endorsements for A Return to Healing

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025


Radical health care reform and the future of medicine

Praise for A Return to Healing

“Change is in the air for America's health care system. Amid the myriad proposals, the vision expressed in A Return to Healing stands out as exceptional—wise, workable, and utterly necessary to steer us from a disease-care model to an authentic, genuine, health care approach. Dr. Len Saputo knows from his experience as a physician that our current system is in many ways unjust, immoral, and shameful. His proposal for integral-health medicine deserves our sincerest consideration. Written in clear, personal language, this book will provide anyone with the information they need to think intelligently about the transitions in health care that will soon affect everyone in America.”
—Larry Dossey, MD, author of “The Power of Premonitions” and “Reinventing Medicine”

“A superb beginning toward a health care system based on an integral model—a truly integral medicine. Highly recommended.”
—Ken Wilber, author of “The Integral Vision”

“Through his personal journey that began as a Duke University–trained MD and led to his being one of our most prominent integrative care practitioners, Len Saputo has seen it all. In A Return to Healing, Len pilots us through our failing medical system and failing health to a brighter future of peak health and a system of health care that works.”
—Lee Lipsenthal, MD, author of “Finding Balance in a Medical Life”
Past President of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine

“Finally—the book to tell the whole truth about our ailing health care system and how to overhaul it. Len Saputo, MD, and co-author Byron Belitsos offer an honest and radically refreshing new strategy for reform that goes beyond the good intentions of whole-person healing, and exposes the hard facts about the flagrant profit-driven agendas within private insurance companies and the medical-pharma-industrial complex. As a clinician, Saputo has worked out the nuts-and-bolts of integrative practice, and knows firsthand what it takes to keep patients well. His recommendations for transforming our current disease-centric, crumbling paradigm are brilliant, life-saving, and should be immediately adopted by the current administration.”
—Meg Jordan, PhD, RN, Department Chair, Integrative Health Studies California Institute of Integral Studies

“A remarkable book by a remarkable physician. Dr. Saputo offers insider insights into the practice and the politics of medicine as he gives us a prescription that can bring us healing as individuals and as a culture. If you've wondered what's wrong with medicine, and how to fix it, this book should be on your reading list.”
—Martin L. Rossman, MD, author of “Guided Imagery for Self-Healing”

“At last, here is a book about health care that asks the right questions—not how can we pay for medical treatment for all, but what treatment should we pay for; not which drugs should be used first, but should drugs be the first line of defense? Len Saputo, MD, writes from his own experience, and he writes very well—clearly, cogently, and in a way that makes you want to keep reading. For a profession burdened with dry medical statistics and not known for its compelling writers, that in itself is an outstanding achievement; but Dr. Saputo does more than just hold your attention. He actually provides much-needed answers to those burning health care questions currently in the news and before Congress. How can we provide health care for the whole population without bankrupting the system? The soaring cost of health care is one of the most formidable aspects of America’s financial ‘perfect storm,’ one that I explore in my own work. Dr. Saputo’s solution to this apparently unsolvable problem involves a Copernican shift in our thinking. He provides much-needed answers to those burning health care questions currently in the news and before Congress. This book is a must-read for anyone exploring the politics and future of health care.”
—Ellen Hodgson Brown, JD, author of “The Web of Debt and Forbidden Medicine”

“This is a story that needed to be told—and who better than a seasoned physician like Len who is so well versed in complementary medicine. We all know and share frustrations of modern health care in America, but Dr. Saputo opens our eyes to so much more—and then he opens our hearts to real and practical solutions. Joining leaders like President Obama, Saputo is opening the door to positive change at a time when it is most needed. Bravo!”
—Francesco Garripoli, author of “Qigong: Essence of the Healing Dance” and President of the Qigong Institute

“I highly recommend this inspiring book, both for health care professionals and anyone concerned with our broken system. Len Saputo's experience with ‘disease care’ medicine as described in this book matches my own. Health care reform that embraces an integrative model, focuses on prevention, and institutes single-payer insurance is a must—an imperative—if we are to transform the state of medicine in this country.”
—Stacia Lansman, MD, founder of Pediatric Alternatives, Mill Valley CA

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