This archive is a work in progress. At the end of every week, the most recent editions of Prescriptions for Health, Fastrack edition, will be posted on the DoctorSaputo.com Radio page. Shows from the previous week are then archived. There can be as many as 40 shows archived for a month.
Special Guest: Dr. Richard Kunin
Kunin received his medical degree in 1955 at the age of 21 from the
University of Minnesota and is board certified in Psychiatry. He did a fellowship in neurophysiology at Stanford University. He specializes in orthomolecular medicine. Dr. Kunin was the co-founder of the Orthomolecular Medical Society with Dr. Linus Pauling in 1976 and is now the President.
He is the author of “Mega Nutrition" and also “Mega Nutrition for Women."
Dr. Kunin is also the formulator of all the Ola Loa products.
Monday Jan 24, 2011
Meganutrition with Richard Kunin
Dr. Richard Kunin is a pioneer of mega-nutrition and author of the book
Mega-Nutrition. There is a difference between mega-nutrition and
mega-vitamins. Most doctors today have no idea about the
biochemistry/nutrition of a cell. People have lost confidence in their
doctors and 50% are turning to alternative medicine. Responsible self
care is important. Many companies are knowingly selling toxic and
poisonous substances.
Meganutrition with Richard Kunin
The Meaning of Medicine with Richard Kunin
Dr. Kunin has devoted his life to the real part of medicine which is the
natural way to look at how cells works, how cells biochemistry is
affected by what we do, and what goes on during illness. Meganutrition
means nutrition is very important. Dr. Saputo and Dr. Kunin look at how
they practice medicine and it's a lot different then people think. It's
not about loading up with big doses of vitamins, it's about helping to
make cell nutrition work more functionally.
The meaning of Medicine
Tuesday Jan 25, 2011
When are Megavitamins a Good Idea?
Dr. Kunin has been incorrectly labeled as being an advocate of megavitamins as a primary way of treatment, instead of his true passion, meganutrition. Dr. Kunin believes there are times when megavitamins are needed, such as when there is damage. Damage, meaning that the biological systems are either blocked or other there is some other type of cellular damage.
When are Megavitamins a Good Idea
Vitamin C, Cancer, and More with Richard Kunin, MD
Linus Pauling found a seven-fold increase in longevity with the use of vitamin C. Animals have the ability to make their own vitamin C, whereas humans do not have the chemistry necessary perform the chemical reactions. Some research has shown that Vitamin C administered by IV can kill cancer cells. Giving IV Vitamin C can be dangerous and so doctors must be careful.
Vitamin C, Cancer, and More
Wednesday Jan 26, 2011
Healing with Megavitamins with Richard Kunin, MD
Dr. Saputo and Dr. Kunin discuss the side of medicine that is missing, which is nutrition, and ways to support natural nutrition processes. Healing with megavitamins is a specialized part of meganutrition that looks at how you can use vitamins in doses that are high to achieve an effect that is physiological and one that will make a big difference in the outcome of an illness.
Healing with Megavitamins
Making Self Care Possible with Dr. Richard Kunin
One of the concepts stressed by Dr. Kunin is self care and how it is really the big healer. People don't realize what they can do to help end this era of chronic disease. Self care shoud be a part of health care reform.
Making Self Care Possible
Thursday January 27, 2011
Why are People Fatigued with Richard Kunin, MD
Fatigue is a problem for almost everyone at some time during their life. Four main causes are malnutrition, pollution, stress, and damage. Genetics could also play a role. Dr. Saputo and Dr. Kunin discuss fatigue at the cellular level and the lack of energy production (the cellular production of ATP) and the miracle of mitochondria.
Why are People Fatigued
Friday January 28, 2011
What is OHM and Nutrition, Pollution, and Stress with Richard Kunin, MD
OHM stands for "Orthomolecular Health Medicine." Dr. Kunin is the founder of the Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society and is the current President. Dr. Saputo and Dr. Kunin explain just what Orthomolecular Health Medicine is. Nutrition and pollution and stress are also discussed.
What is OHM and Nutrition, Pollution, and Stress
Richard Kunin, MD: A Lifetime of Putting Nutrition First
Dr. Richard Kunin MD, formulator of all the Ola Loa products, is a nutrition oriented physician and Orthomolecular specialist with over thirty years of experience in the nutrition medicine field. He pioneered the use of vitamins and minerals in today’s medical practice and was a co-founder of the Orthomolecular Medical Society with Dr. Linus Pauling in 1976.
Dr. Kunin has written many books including Mega Nutrition and Mega Nutrition for Women and has plans for future book releases as well. With many published articles to his credit, Dr. Kunin is well known for his contributions in The Townsend Letter, San Francisco Medicine and other scientific journals and publications. In 1994, he founded the Society for Orthomolecular Health Medicine (OHM) in San Francisco, a large and well respected professional organization whose mission is to put nutrition first in the practice of medicine. Through this organization, Dr. Kunin brings together medical doctors and other health practitioners to discuss current nutritional approaches to treating disease states.
In Dr. Kunin’s own medical clinic, he practices a strategy of nutrition, detoxification and adaptive support that integrates all aspects of modern preventive health care.
In creating Ola Loa, Dr. Kunin utilized his extensive knowledge of how nutrients work in the body, with the understanding that liquid nutrients absorb better than pills. He created Ola Loa as a means to provide you with the best, most advanced nutrition foundation available.
Dr. Kunin also serves on the Board of Governors of the National Health Federation, a not-for-profit consumer education and health-protection organization founded in 1955. The NHF website contains an extensive listing of Dr. Kunin's nutrition research and medical achievements.
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