Health Assessments on

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025


Our "Public"  Health Assessments are designed to help you measure your own health and well-being. What we present here for non-Members is a window into the extensive and sensitive educational and empowerment tools that we offer Members.  In a Public Survey, you don't need to provide your name or any personal information and the feedback you automatically receive is generated by software and for your eyes only.  We never share any personal information with anyone - that is our promise.  Our website is highly secure and password-protected at every level.  Our Members are treated with respect and we hold security and privacy in the utmost regard.  Thank you for participating! Membership at is free of charge. ...and if you have not already done so, please click here if you are ready to become a Member now


We offer 2 Health Assessments to the 'Public' that are availible without signing up as a member.


This Health Assessment on Lifestyle is availble to the public without being a member of and we highly recommend that you take it as it will lead to media files that are based on how you answer the assessment! It's almost like being in the doctors office!

"There is no pill, supplement, surgery, technology, or potion that has a more powerful and beneficial effect on our health than a healthy lifestyle. The answers you give when you take this assessment allow us to instantly provide you with information specific to your situation that is all in audio and video. Remember lifestyle is the most powerful healer in the Universe, so if you want to be well, pay attention to the style in which you live your life."

Click Here to take the Lifestyle Assessment

We have over 20 Health Assessments at and you can acess these assessments by signing up for the Dr. Saputo wellness Program. This program is FREE to anyone and will give you full accesss to the site and all the Health Assessments!  It is our commitment to your good health!

To become a member of the Dr. Saputo Wellness Program Click Here


Dr. Saputo's General Wellness Assessment Survey

This is a one-time inquiry that Len Saputo, M.D. has designed to help assess your overall health and wellness status.  Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions as honestly as you can.  When you are finished you will receive specific information to help you begin your journey to wellness and vitality, do what is right for your situation, and feel better.



Click here to take the General Wellness Assessment




We currently have 21 Health Assessments included in the Dr. Saputo General Wellness Program


Dr. Saputo's General Wellness Assessment

This is a one-time inquiry that Len Saputo, M.D. has designed to help assess your overall health and wellness status. When you are finished you will receive specific media files to help you begin your journey to wellness and vitality, do what is right for your situation, and feel better. This assessment will also lead you to other specific assessments that are listed below, if they are necassary. This assesment only takes a couple of minutes and provides the best way to find the information that is tailored to your specific needs, depending on how you answered the questions in the health assessment.



Atrial Fibrillation


This survey will guide us offer specific information about your atrial fibrillation that will help you make decisions about treatment with your health care practitioner.

Breast Cancer



This survey will help us guide you to personalized integrative options for cancer treatments.



This survey will enable us to teach you what cholesterol values mean and provide you with information about whether or not treatment is necessary.



This survey will enable us to provide specific information that may help you understand why you are depressed and what you can do to deal with it.




This survey will provide complementary and alternative strategies to control your headaches.

Heart Attacks


This survey will help answer your questions about why you have heart disease and what you can do to manage it using conventional and alternative therapies.



This survey will guide us to answer your questions about what hypertension is, what causes it, how you know if you really have it, what it can do to you, and how it can be managed, depending on your preference.




There are many signs and symptoms of insomnia that include:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Awakening through the night
  • Awakening early
  • Sleep that is not restful
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Irritability, depression, or anxiety
  • Poor concentration
  • Headaches
  • GI symptoms




The information from this survey will allow us to suggest strategies that make sense and do what is right to make you feel better safely.



This survey will help us answer your questions about osteopenia and osteoporosis and provide safe and effective options for management.



Type 2 Diabetes


The results of this survey will help us provide you with the specific personalized information you need to improve your type 2 diabetes.



Your answers you share in this survey will guide you to information you need to understand the cause and solutions to weight control.  Our experts have worked hard to bring you the latest and most self-empowering tools to help you reach your goals.  All the best!


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