Health Medicine Forum: Media

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025

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In addition to our live HMF events, we spread the Health Medicine Word through a variety of media: TV, Radio, Books, Web Articles and Videos.



"A Return to Healing"

Radical Health Care Reform and the Future of Medicine

by Len Saputo, MD with Byron Belitsos


A story of a veteran physician's medical training that reveals the multitude of problems that are related to how the FDA, big pharma and the technology industry, Congress, medical research, and medical training have led to a business-oriented rather than a service-oriented health care system. The book concludes with health care system solutions that are simple, practical, and realistic.

A Return to Healing



HMF offers relevant and timely articles on a variety of healthcare topics.



"Three Questions for Dr. Len Saputo"

San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday, October 11, 2009

  • What is the toughest problem health reform legislation needs to solve?
  • How much of health care is the individual's responsibility?
  • Isn't it a little risky to initiate "town hall" meetings about health care given the combative sessions across the country over the summer?

San Francisco Chronicle


“Is It Time to Make Health Freedom a Constitutional Right?”

         By Len Saputo, MD with Byron Belitsos


Health Freedom a Constitutional Right


“Avoid the Swine Flu Vaccine — And Boost Your Own Immunity”

           By Len Saputo, MD and Stacia Lansman, MD


Avoid the Swine Flu Vaccine


“The Integral Healing Circle”

An in-depth look at what a healing circle is and how it came about.  Be sure to check out the video too!!

The Integreal Healing Circle Article



Online presentations of various Health Care topics.




“The H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccine”

 Is it Really Necessary?


The H1N1 Vaccine 



“The Integral Healing Circle”

 A real-world example of how it works


The Healing Circle


“Health Care Reform 101”

We're talking Health Care reform here, not economic reform. A series of three YouTube videos, Dr. Len Saputo explains the ins and outs of Health Care Reform.


Health Care Reform 101

"A Return to Healing"

Interviews and discussion with Len Saputo, MD, and Byron Belitsos


Interviews with Len and Byron


Listen in…Call in!!


"Prescriptions for Health"


         KEST Radio

                  AM 1450


with Len Saputo, MD and Vicki Saputo, RN


Fridays:  9-11 am

M-F: 6:30-6:45 am


(415) 543-TALK (8255)


Television Shows on Comcast Channel 26*


Mondays at 11 P.M.

“Pioneers in Health Care”

Len Saputo, MD conducts one-on-one interviews with various Health Care experts.


Thursdays at 11 P.M.

“What’s New in the News in Medicine”

Len Saputo, MD and Vicki Saputo, RN discuss various health care topics.


* Comcast cable channel 26 in the San Francisco Bay Area.

  Actual channel may vary in your area, so check your local listings.



Health Medicine Forum  

1620 Riviera Avenue

Walnut Creek, CA 94596


Event Information and Voice Mail: (925) 210-7414

Fax: (925) 935-7770


The statements and opinions expressed on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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