Media |
Here, you can subscribe to HMF's podcasts via your preferred feed reader, such as iTunes. Then, you can load them from your reader onto your portable media player.
The various links below provide the Health Medicine Forum podcasts, depending on whether you use iTunes* or another aggregator.

This link provides a one-click subscription to HMF's Podcast through the most popular aggregator, iTunes*. |

Any RSS Reader, including iTunes, can subscribe to HMF's podcasts with this link. A list of current HMF podcasts, a brief description of each and its participants is also provided. |

Preview individual HMF podcasts using iTunes* with this link. |
* Apple's iTunes is free and available for download from Apple's website.
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) provides a way to disseminate frequently published material via an RSS Reader — also known as an "aggregator" and "feed reader." For a more complete discussion on this topic, visit Wikipedia, or Google the term "RSS"