Increasing age

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025



Exercise for Seniors

How to approach exercise for the elderly. Physical limitations must be appreciated. The fear of falling is addressed. Muscle loss from lack of exercise can be gradually restored with a gradually increasing program.



Vitamin D in the Elderly

The elderly don't get enough sunlight to make adequate vitamin D. There are many diseases that are related to deficient levels such as immune disorders, osteoporosis, diabetes, heart attacks, cancers, hypertension, and even more. Sunscreen propaganda is one of the causes.









Aging and Energy Production with Frank Shallenberger, MD

As we age, energy production declines. Our ability is directly correlated with how well we use oxygen. Using fat as a fuel is ideal and is a sign of conditioning. Even younger people decrease energy production because of poor lifestyle. It is possible to reverse this process. Exercise and diet are a very important solutions.


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