submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025




Health Medicine Essentials











Health Medicine Essentials made this popular and effective formula even better. Why? Compelling research convinced us to make the following  changes:


•  Increased dosages per capsule of the main anti-inflammatory herbs boswellia, turmeric and ginger


•  Additional ingredients with anti-inflammatory action:


- the antioxidant/antiglycating flavonoid rutin


- the powerful antioxidant/anti-inflammatory compounds rosemary and resveratrol


- stronger, more targeted proteolytic  enzyme mix with the addition of trypsin, chymotrypsin and Serrazymes






1. Significant inhibition of the COX-2 (cyclooxygenase) enzyme, which  produces prostaglandins PG-E2 (inflammatory)  and throm- boxanes TX-A2 (vasoconstrictive and increases platelet aggregation). The COX-2 inhibition is achieved by turmeric,  ginger, quercitin and resveratrol. The PG-E2 is also known  to increase cell proliferation,  which may be beneficial for normal  tissue growth and wound healing but not for cancer promotion. That is why inflammation was associated in many studies with the risk of cancer development and underscores the importance of keeping inflammation  under control.


2. Additional inhibition of the expression  of the COX-2 enzyme by antioxidant  effects on NF-Kappa B, which is one  of the regulators of the cytokine (inflammatory) response. This is achieved by the antioxidant action of turmeric, quercitin, rutin, rosemary and resveratrol. This is a preferred mechanism of inhibition because it acts upstream in the metabolic pathway by reducing oxidative stress, which  can be one of the causes of inflammation. So this is a preventive action as opposed  to blocking inflammation after it has started.


3. Inflammatone ingredients have a minimal  inhibition of the COX-1 enzyme which  has a maintenance function  for a number  of tissues in the body, including intestinal cells. This is unlike  aspirin or NSAIDs  which are both very irritating  to the GI tract.


4. Inflammatone has a mild anti-thrombotic  (blood thinning)  effect which could result in increased cardiovascular risk protection, similar to that of aspirin yet without  aspirin's severe GI irritation. The blood thinning effect of Inflammatone is due to the following:


•  mild COX-1 inhibition by ginger and resveratrol


•  mild anti-coagulating activity of turmeric and quercitin

•  fibrinolytic effect of the proteolytic enzymes, especially the Serrazymes™


Cancer metastasis is known  to be mediated by increased platelet  aggregation, so any agent that decreases it may reduce the risk of cancer proliferation.8


5. Inflammatone may be superior to selective COX-2 inhibitors like VIOXX and Celebrex due to the fact that, by design, they are lacking any COX-1 inhibiting activity which affects platelet aggregation. That is why drugs like VIOXX and Celebrex were shown in studies to increase the risk of thrombosis and overall CVD risk. This is especially important for patients with low omega-3 fatty acid stores.


6. Inflammatone may be superior to selective COX-2 inhibiting drugs due to the fact that in addition to inhibiting COX-2, some Inflammatone ingredi- ents also inhibit the LOX (Lipooxygenase) enzyme. This enzyme is normally producing Leukotrienes (LT-4 series) which  cause broncho-constriction and vasoconstriction.  The  LOX inhibition is  achieved  by boswellia,  turmeric, ginger, quercitin and resveratrol.


7. Inflammatone may be superior  to the typical anti-asthma drugs that are only leukotriene receptor blockers. This is because Inflammatone reduces the formation of leukotrienes (LT) in the first place as opposed  to just blocking certain LT receptors, as the drugs  do.


8. One other important reason Inflammatone may be better than the available selective anti-inflammator drugs is that it combines many benefits in one, blocking many pathways at the same time.  When any one drug is given, it only blocks one Arachidonic  Acid (AA) pathway, for example VIOXX and Celebrex block only COX-2 which  causes an overflow of AA into the other pathway, the LOX-1.  That is why COX-2 inhibiting  drugs are known  to have side effects such as increased incidence of asthma.


9. Some of the Inflammatone ingredients were shown to block Phospholipase A2 (turmeric, ginger) or TNF-alpha (Quercitin)  which is similar to what corticosteroids do, but without their side effects.


Inflammatone Competitive Advantages


••   Synergistic  Formula

••   Inhibits Inflammatory Processes in Multiple Metabolic Pathways

••  Good Safety Recor and  ExtensivResearch on all Ingredients



Health Medicine Essentials chose not to include the following ingredients for these reasons:


••   Hops was shown  to cause urticaria and  other  allergic effects

••   Oleanolic acid was shown  tincrease insulin production similar to glucose

••   Cayenne pepper was shown  tcause GI irritation  and  leaky gut


A2 (turmeric, ginger) or TNF-alpha (Quercitin)  which is similar to what corticosteroids do, but without their side effects.


Additional benefits: rutin reduces glycation, Serrazymes™ improve the efficacy of antibiotic treatment and relieve sinus congestion via mucolytic  effects. Look for an extensive description  of the many benefits of resveratrol  such as that on collagen, cardiovascular disease and  others  in our new upgraded  Grape Seed Supreme flyer Inflammatone works both on an empty stomach and with food but it has slightly  different  effects:


a. On an empt stomach, the proteolyti enzymes are absorbed partiall in the circulatio and clear out immune complexes that accumulate in joints, airways, intestinal tract, and any tissue that had already started the inflammator process. Once absorbed in the blood  stream, these proteolytic enzymes  have a fibrinolytic effect, thus reducing blood clot formation.


b. When taken with food, the proteolytic enzymes will aid in protein digestion which is very likely to reduce certain protein’s allergenic potential. This will prevent an inflammator response that might result from undigested peptides like gluten, casein, egg, soy, etc. This will also tend to reduce the total body inflammatory load.


The array of proteolytic enzymes contained in Inflammatone were specifically chosen to have good activity  over a very wide range of pH, characteristic of the stomach and intestinal environment.


Research shows that inflammation is associated with many serious disorders. By controlling the inflammator processes in multiple metabolic pathways, Inflammatone can be helpful for most, if not all of your patients, especially for post-operative healing9 



1. FitzGerald GA, Patrono C. The coxibs, selective inhibitors of cyclooxygenase-2. N Engl  J Med. 2001 Aug 9;345(6):433-42

2. De Caterina R, Zampolli A. From asthma to atherosclerosis--5-lipoxygenase, leukotrienes, and inflammation. N Engl  J Med. 2004 Jan 1;350(1):4-7

3. Ammon HP, Safayhi H . Mechanism of antiinflammator actions of curcumine  and boswellic acids. J Ethnopharmacol. 1993 Mar; 38(2-3): 113-9.

4. Kiuchi F, Iwakami S . Inhibition of prostaglandin and leukotriene biosynthesis by gingerols and diarylheptanoids.  Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 1992 Feb; 40(2): 387-91.

5. Guardia T, Rotelli AE . Anti-inflammatory properties of plant flavonoids. Effects of rutin, quercetin and hesperidin on adjuvant arthritis in rat. Farmaco. 2001 Sep;56(9):683-7.

6. Manna SK, Mukhopadhyay A. Resveratrol suppresses TNF-induced activation of nuclear transcription  factors NF-kappa B, activator protein-1,  and apoptosis: potential role of reactive oxygen intermediates and lipid peroxidation. 1: J Immunol. 2000 Jun 15; 164(12): 6509-19.

7. Lo AH, Liang YC . Carnosol, an antioxidant  in rosemary, suppresses inducible nitric oxide synthase through down-regulating nuclear factor-kappaB in mouse macrophages. Carcinogenesis. 2002 Jun;23(6):983-91.

8. Surh YJ. Anti-tumor promoting potential of selected spice ingredients  with antioxidative and anti-inflammator activities: a short review. Food Chem Toxicol 2002


9. Satoskar RR, Shah SJ . Evaluation of anti-inflammatory property of curcumin (diferuloyl methane) in patients with postoperative inflammation. Int J Clin Pharmacol

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