Marie-Veronique Nadeau

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025



Marie-Veronique Nadeau has devoted a good portion of her adult life to the study of the cosmetics industry, with a view to providing safe alternatives to the frequently quite toxic products currently on offer to the public.  This research has taken her into fields as diverse as sun protection, anti-aging, the safety of products designed for children, and the environmental repercussions of loading water systems with toxins tolerated by the GRAS standard (“generally recognized as safe.”) The small Bay Area skin care company she founded about a decade ago, Marie Veronique Organics, adheres to the axiom “Nature Knows Best,” and produces a line of products that are not just safe and natural, they are effective.  This is very important, as she understands that the public will only make the switch to organics and a green life style if they see positive results.  The stars of Marie Veronique Organic’s line are Kids Safe Screen and Moisturizing Face Screen, SPF 25 and SPF 30 respectively, where the active ingredient is zinc oxide.  On the anti-aging front the Anti-aging Oil Plus works by replenishing the lipid barrier on the surface of the skin, much the same way we supply our bodies with EFAs internally on a daily basis.  The R&D department, which consists of Marie and daughter Dr. Jay Nadeau, associate professor of bio-medical engineering at McGill University, is currently working on a new acne treatment.

Marie is author of “The Yoga Facelift,” which suggests a host of natural alternatives to Botox.  She has given many workshops in the Bay Area and at Kripalu on that subject.  She also writes regularly for the blog found at, and teaches classes on skin care subjects upon request.  She is available for consultations on Saturdays at the Marie Veronique headquarters on Fourth Street in Berkeley.


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