Prescriptions for Health Radio Show: February 11, 2011

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025

Hour one:    20:20 tips "Healthy Skin Care Product You Can Make Yourself and An Old Farmer's Advice.  Topics today were about UCSF partnering with the drug company, Pfizer, and how this could be a conflict of interest, faster approval times for generic drugs may not make the price better nor be good for the patient, H1N1 vaccination safety was reviewed in a Finnish study and found that children (4-19 years old) were nine times more likely to suffer from narcolepsy, side effects from drugs, especially Multaq and Actos.
We had two callers and discussed psoriasis, leaky gut with Yvanka and A cyst on Yvonne's bladder.

Hour two:  20:20 tips Laughter is the Best Medicine, "When Insults Had Class" and "Some Truths to Make You Think."  Topic include cancer prevention, Oprah, breast cancer and lymph nodes, how 75 medical articles should be read by medical doctors daily. Pam called in about disability, Lily about Ultra Clear  Sustain and Sid about how he loves our show and his glucometer for his diabetes.

Prescription for Health Radio Show: February 11, 2011 Hour 1 (Audio)

Prescriptions for Health Radio Show: February 11, 2011 Hour 2 (Audio)

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