Prescriptions for Health on Demand
March 11, 2011
Hour One: 20:20 tips: "What kitchen appliance is in 90% of American homes that can be a danger to your health?" and "How to break an unhealthy habit in your kitchen"
Topics this hour:
- US Medicine
- Lupus (Erythematosis)
- Traditional and Alternative Therapies
- Living in Community
- Healing Circle
- Genes linked to cardiovascular disease
- Vaccines
- Ann -- micronutrient test, what to do if not absorbing Vitamin D by mouth, digestive tests, sublingual Vitamin D
- Rita -- tonsil stones
- Harvey -- good deeds
Hour Two: 20:20 tips: "Times have changed since 1960." and "Are your friends making you fat?"
Topics this hour:
- American's are sleepy
- lifestyle
- sleep tips
- Americans' vs English Health Care
- Health Care Reform
- South East US diabetes belt
- Breast biopsies, surgical vs the needle
- Connection between low birthweight and obesity later in Life
- Stressing the importance of pregnant women eating a healthy diet and living a healthy lifestyle
- Some medications cause weight gain
- Hypertension
- Bob -- Germ theory, dream therapy
- Jennifer -- Tools to deal with PTSD, belief system, body/mind/emotion/spirit
- Maggie -- Breathing problem