Prescriptions for Health Radio Show: March 25, 2011

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025


Prescriptions for Health on Demand

March 25, 2011


These are the last Prescription for Health Radio Shows that were broadcast on KEST Radio


Hour One 

20:20 tips   “Preventing thyroid cancer in the dental office and when getting a mammogram”   and

“Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking, “ I can’t be that old?’”


Topics this hour


  • Nuclear radiation contamination from Japan
  • Emergency preparedness
  • SSKI
  • Reverse osmosis to remove radiation from water in an emergency


Callers this hour


Judy -- wanted to know if her pain was from pancreatitis, smart meters, and EMF’s.

Eric – radiation exposure, Resveratol and antioxidants, for cancer survivors (using music for healing)

Terri -- Radiation already in the body and antioxidants, Vitamin C, philosophical discussion

Marie -- The website, with Graves disease it is not a good idea to take SSKI

Ellen – Pain from injury and fainted, While in ER, tests were ordered that she didn’t want to protect the doctors and the hospital.

Harvey – Wants listeners to go to Safeway website and object to cutting down the trees in the “Gourmet Ghetto” in Berkeley.


Prescriptions for Health Radio Show: March 25, 2011 Hour One (Audio)

Hour Two:  Prescriptions for Health Radio Show.2nd.hour.3.25.11

2nd hour: (last KEST Prescriptions for Health....going to - Website talk, the polypill, fiber for heart health, etc. Spinal fusion vs. disc replacement. 

Tips: #1: A Delicious Cure All: Honey and Cinnamon
         #2: Take the triclosan free pledge on


Helen - pulled hamstring - photon stimulator and stories.
Barbara - cervical fusion (fusion vs. disc replacement surgery).
Nancy - bisphosphonates for osteoporosis - side effects from Fosamax (alendronate), Actonel, Boniva, etc. and how to treat osteoporosis with lifestyle.
Sid - taping our shows since 1997.
Barbara II - Calcitonin nasal spray for osteoporosis.
Deanna - a style of energy medicine.
Bahiti - radiation from microwave leak, vision problems with possible stroke, live blood cell analysis.
Ruben - migraines. Tony - Type 2 Diabetes with hypertension and on 3 meds.



Prescriptions for Health Radio Show: March 25, 2011 Hour two (Audio)

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