The Reasons for Voting

submitted by: admin on 11/03/2020

We're in the midst of a huge election and are getting information, especially about Covid 19, from many sources that is so radically different and controversial that we've become overwhelmed. We don't know how to digest this barrage of information and come to the right decisions about how to manage it. This coupled with fear is a recipe that has led to our not knowing how to listen to our heart to tap into how we feel or use our brain to make our own wise choices. Now that the presidential election is only one day away it is time to decide how we will vote. It is important to elect the right president but there is 
another very important reason. When we make the decision to support whoever we choose we join in with all people who feel the same. This creates a resonant field that is coherent and has far more power than most of us realize.

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