Covid 19 Vaccine Must Stop Now
A pro-vaxxer, Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD internationally acclaimed vaccinologist who has worked as the head of the Vaccine Development Office at the German Center for Infection Research as well as for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and multiple pharmaceutical companies has publicly stated that all the Covid 19 vaccines must be stopped immediately because they will destroy our natural innate immunity and
make us powerless to fight new strains of Covid 19!
How Do You Know the Covid 19 Vaccine is for You?
Where can you find scientific information about the Covid 19 vaccine that you can trust?The challenge is that you only get one side of the story from the mainstream news and from government agencies such as the CDC, FDA, NIH, and WHO. Everything else is considered misinformation and is censored by television and Big Tech. Dr. Len and Francesco have collected information about the Covid 19 vaccine over the past year and share it with you, hoping you're get a better look at both sides of this story.
The Infection Deception of Covid 19
Most of the world is the victim of a global Covid 19 conspiracy. Too many people have been hypnotized by the incessant one-sided narrative TV, radio, journal articles, corrupt government health that have insidiously overtaken our commonsense. Dr. Len and uncover the truth behind this infection deception and what we must do stop outrageous trip down the rabbit hole leading to destruction the free world!
The Danger of Complacency
Who are we if we acquiesce to policies and actions we know are wrong because we are complacent, fearful, or vulnerable to peer pressure? We're learning the lessons of the patriots of the past who sacrificed so much during the American Revolution to give us the privilege of free speech, freedom of the press, and the right to individual sovereignty. Now it is our turn to fight for these inalienable rights nor only for ourselves but for our children. Dr. Len and Francesco offer solutions to protect our civil rights and restore our freedom.
Are You Willing to Stand Up for Yourself?
Decisions are being made that are endangering not only our civil rights but also the world's economy and our Republic. Widespread censorship has compromised the authenticity of journalism and has led to a dangerous narrative with an ulterior motive that is frightening. Dr. Len and Francesco expose this narrative hoping that we can stand up for ourselves and stop acquiescing to false demands that are destroying the
freedoms our forefathers fought so hard to bestow on us.
Out of confusion and frustration comes the opportunity to learn and advance in wisdom. It is too easy and tempting to fret about what is wrong with something, as we so often do when it comes to most every aspect of how Covid is being managed today. It is also easy and tempting to judge people for the decisions they make especially if they are different from our own. It is time to be positive and come together and share our opinions courageously and without fear of censorship. Dr. Len and Francesco explore how we have gotten to where we are today and what we can do restore democracy and commonsense.