Wellness Coaches for DoctorSaputo.com

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025

Wellness CoachA Wellness Coach on DoctorSaputo.com is a position that we take very seriously and our team has done its best to ensure the highest integrity at all phases of this process.

All Wellness Coaches are professionals and have their expertise in one area or another in the field of health and wellness. They may be a physician, a nurse, nutritionist, or any of a wide range of healthcare practioners.  During the the Application Process, a new Program Member is asked to take a Matching Survey.  Here is where they will be matched with a Wellness Coach of their choice based on the information that they can read about each Wellness Coach listed.  This information is provided by the Wellness Coach themselves and it is not written by DoctorSaputo.com staff.  Dr. Saputo has done its best to be selective as to who is a Wellness Coach on the site, but is not responsible for what is written by the Coach.

It can be the choice of the new Program Member to not select a Wellness Coach and a paid Member can enjoy all the information and interactive experience of DoctorSaputo.com without ever interacting with a Coach. 

At any time, any member can go to their Personal Profile from their Home Page and check off a box that does not allow their Wellness Coach to see any of their data.  Privacy is of the utmost concern to us.

Wellness Coaches are available on DoctorSaputo.com as the "real person" available when a Member needs to take a step beyond the empowering self-assessment interaction of the site.  Many people never contact their Wellness Coach and find the information that is personalized for them through the way that they answer the self assessent Surveys are more than sufficient.  Members can monitor their own Tracking Graphs and self assessments and this is one of the most self-empowering and personal healing aspects of this site.

The Wellness Coach is one click away to the Member that is Matched with them when the Member has a question that is beyond the scope of the answers they receive, or when they would like to consider engaging in the professional services of the Wellness Coach.  This transaction is between the Program Member and the Wellness Coach and is beyond the scope of DoctorSaputo.com.

If ever a Member would like to be Matched with another Wellness Coach in the DoctorSaputo.com Program they are in, this is their preogative.

Wellness Coaches pay a fee to be associated with DoctorSaputo.com on a Program basis.  This means that one Wellness Coach can be associated with more than one Program and each Program has its own unique fee structure which outlines the time period and cost/income to the Coach as well as the cost to the Member.

For more information, please click the Contact Us button at the top of the screen.

Thank you for your interest and support in helping DoctorSaputo.com become the most self-empowering health education site on the internet.

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