What You Need to Know About Sunscreens

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025


Beware of commercial sunscreens and use natural organic products. Commercial sunscreens absorb the UV rays and create free radicals. Stay away from chemical sunscreens that can be toxic and actually cause skin cancer, especially when exposed to the sun. Some commercial brands even become inactive when exposed to the sun. Stay away from products that contain nanoparticles and look for "non-nanoized" or no nanoparticles because nanoparticles pass the blood brain barrier and can end up in the brain.

We need 20 minutes of sun a day unprotected to make a healthy amount of vitamin D. The time of day may surprise you...10 am - 2 pm is when the angle of the sun's rays are best for making vitamin D. It is recommended that dark skinned people get at least 3 x's as much sun for healthy levels of vitamin D.

More than 20 minutes in the sun requires UVA and UVB protection. Commercial brands offer UVB protection. Natural organic products with Zinc Oxide and other healthy ingredients such as emu oil, vitamin C and green tea offer UVA and UVB protection. They reflect and scatter the sun's harmful rays.

It is not necessary to wear a sunscreen with more than an SPF of 20 or 30. More than that is marketing competition.

Vicki recommends Stacy Malkan's book, "Not Just a Pretty Face, the Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry" and Beth Greer's book, "Supernatural Home" to learn more about this topic.

What You Need to Know About Sunscreens (Video)

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