Women's Health and Breast Thermography

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025

The Health Medicine Center is pleased to offer women a comprehensive, holistic approach to health and healing. HMC provides the finest and cutting edge treatments of mainstream and complementary medicine in a supportive environment. Our practitioners work in tandem with each patient to create a personalized plan that addresses her unique health needs. Our programs include:



Primary outpatient care and integrative medicine

· Breast cancer risk assessment—MammoTherms

· Cancer prevention strategies

· Promoting and screening for heart health

· Managing hormones naturally

· Preventing and managing osteoporosis naturally

· Nutrition, detoxification, and weight management

· Pain management with infrared light therapy

· Stress management and lifestyle counseling including “Healing Circles”

· Many styles of bodywork and movement therapies

Breast Thermography—MammoTherms

Over the past two decades, scientific breakthroughs in technology have made it possible to detect breast cancer using non-invasive infrared imaging. Breast thermography is highly accurate, painless, safe, and cost effective—and is now available at HMC. We have the most up-to-date scanning equipment, well-trained medical readers, and the program is supervised by Len Saputo, MD.

Here’s why we provide this important service:

· Thermography is approved by the FDA for breast cancer risk assessment as an adjunct to mammography

· MammoTherms are 95% sensitive and 90% accurate in premenopausal breast cancer detection

· In postmenopausal women adding thermography to clinical examination and conventional mammography increases the rate of detection from 85% to 98% and accuracy from 15% to 90%

· MammoTherms may detect breast cancers 1 to 2 years earlier than any test in medicine

· A negative MammoTherm means the likelihood of cancer is very low and provides peace of mind

· Identifying thermographic abnormalities makes it possible to reverse or even eliminate consequences

About MammoTherms

Breast cancers are very vascular (called neoangiogenesis) compared to normal breast tissue. Because blood is hot and breast cancers have more blood vessels, they emit more heat. Thermography detects heat using a highly sensitive infrared camera that is measures to less than 1/20th of a degree Centigrade.

In contrast to mammography, ultrasound, and MRI, thermography is a test of physiology rather than of anatomical structure. In premenopausal women, the density of normal breast tissue is much the same as a cancer. This makes it difficult to reliably identify cancers using tests based on differences in tissue density and is the reason many breast cancers are missed or over-diagnosed and over-treated. This is why the rest of the world does not recommend mammograms under the age of 50. Click here to learn more.

This state-of-the-art imaging technology is achieved without the use of radiation. Rather, it measures the infrared light that is emitted by breast tissue. Nothing is done to the breast. Subtle temperature changes are converted to color images that indicate and distinguish cancer from other disorders such as cysts and infections. This makes it possible to detect breast cancers months to years sooner than mammograms and to intervene before they spread.

Many believe that measures can be initiated that may help prevent the progression of a pre-cancer or an outright cancer when thermal abnormalities are detected early.

MammoTherms in Younger Women

MammoTherms are especially important for women between the ages of 25 to 55, where there is the greatest loss of life from breast cancer—it is the leading cause of death in women between the ages of 40 and 45. It is in this group of women that breast thermography plays its most life-saving role. We also know that the most aggressive cancers are usually those with the most vascularity. These are the cancers most likely to be identified using breast thermography.

Conventional mammography has a sensitivity rate of 75-85% in detecting cancer, so it misses 15-25% of cancers. It also in the majority of cases it leads to unnecessary biopsies and even cancer treatments because of false positive tests or identifying borderline cancers that do not need treatment.

We recommend that women begin having MammoTherms at age 30 to establish a baseline study that can periodically be compared with future studies. Each woman has a “thermal fingerprint” of her breasts that is unique. Thermographic patterns remain stable unless something special happens—such as cancer, cysts, infections, or hormonal imbalances. When an individual thermal fingerprint changes, it is important to perform further evaluation and then take appropriate next steps. This is where we believe mammography, ultrasounds, and MRIs have their greatest value.

Cancer is typically a disease that develops slowly. On the average, it takes approximately 15 years from the first sign of cancer to end-stage disease. However, this is only an average and there are exceptions, so clinical judgment is important. It is also important that younger women, particularly with known high risk for breast cancer, establish their thermal fingerprint in their 20’s so that early cancers can be identified and managed when they are more likely to be curable.

Keep in mind that the radiation from mammograms is a well known and accepted cause of cancer. Medical science also knows that if a women with BRACA gene defects has a single x-ray prior to age 20, her already high risk of developing breast cancer goes up an additional 250%! The logic of screening these women with mammography is highly suspect.

Breast Thermography (Video)

Hormone Balancing

When necessary, through affordable lab testing and natural (bio-identical) hormone therapies, we normalize hormone levels to restore and maintain good health. This strategy balances levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol, and thyroid hormones. We do not use HRT (combines Premarin and Provera).

We assess the three primary reasons why hormonal imbalance occurs:

· We are all exposed to a great many chemicals on a daily basis in the atmosphere and in our food and water.Many of these chemicals are converted by the body into powerful estrogen-like compounds (called xeno-estrogens) that can set the stage for the development of cancer, and other hormonal disorders such as PMS and menopause syndrome.

· Foods such as soy and flax are loaded with phyto-estrogens and progesterones.

· Stress has a profound effect on hormone levels

All these factors can have a significant—and detrimental—impact on hormone balance. A surprising number of health conditions have associated with elevated levels of estrogen and other hormones—in disorders that include cancer (breast, ovarian, uterine, colon cancers), fibrocystic breast conditions, fibroids, heart disease, menopausal syndrome, osteoporosis, and PMS.

The use of synthetic compounds masks the symptoms of PMS, menopause, and other hormonal disorders. However, clinical trials have documented that these medications have serious side effects. We take a different approach, evaluating the precise biochemistry of hormone metabolism through simple lab tests. Hormone levels can then be balanced using natural hormones and/or a variety of herbs and supplements. Based on the result of these tests, it is generally possible to treat these conditions quite specifically and effectively. This therapy is safe, practical, and cost effective.

We also pay attention to how our bodies detoxify hormones and to nutritional approaches that can moderate their levels. For example, by consuming vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and cabbage (cruciferous vegetables), it is possible to reduce the toxic forms of estrogen in the body and increase the levels of cancer-preventing estrogens. It is also possible to enhance the beneficial flora in the intestinal tract to reduce the absorption of potentially-harmful estrogen-like compounds.

Hormone balancing is particularly important at the transitional phases of a woman’s life—particularly after giving birth, before and during menopause, and post-menopause. We have expertise in supporting women during these transitions using natural approaches. Our work seeks to make the physical changes of a woman’s life more comfortable and manageable.

Nutrition and Detoxification

A healthy lifestyle is at the core of Health Medicine and nutrition is a powerful pillar of a healthy lifestyle. When we think about it, we cannot be sick if all our cells are healthy. There are only four reasons why cells get sick:

· Genetic defects

· Psychospiritual dis-ease

· When we don’t have the building blocks needed for cellular metabolism: nutritional deficiencies

· When we have something in cell that does not belong there (toxicity): microbes, pollutants, trauma

We combine conventional medical wisdom with healthy nutrition and detoxification to keep our cells operating effectively and efficiently. HMC’s nutritional and orthomolecular practitioners integrate natural therapies with pharmaceutical drugs (only when needed) to blend a program uniquely suited to your special needs.

We recommend a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts, a variety of spices, and healthy meats. This does not include food products that have been processed, refined, or had additives and preservatives added. Our experts in nutrition are also trained chefs who focus both on nutrition and a positive gustatory experience. These same principles apply to managing obesity.

Our mantra is that eating should be a wonderful gustatory and visual experience that is healthy.

Preventing and Screening for Cancer

Prevention is by far the best strategy for preventing all cancers. If you don’t get it there’s nothing to do! Once again lifestyle is the primary key to success. We know that the vast majority of cancers are caused by poor nutrition and by toxic exposures. New findings in epigenetics tell us that what we think and how much stress we have are important factors in modifying DNA as well. Only 5-10% are related to genetic factors; and even these are in large part preventable. It takes a trigger to start up the cancer process.

We know from the studies of many investigators such as Dean Ornish, MD that DNA is changeable with lifestyle and that it is the most powerful modifier we have in all of medicine to prevent cancer.

Breast, colon, and cervical cancers are controversial when it comes to screening approaches. The return on investment for these cancers is debatable.

For example, it takes about 1800 mammograms to save a single life. And, how many cancers will be caused from the radiation exposure? While breast thermography is more sensitive, guestimates are that perhaps 500 are necessary to save a single life, but at least no cancers will be caused by this procedure. Clearly we need a better test to screen for breast cancer. For more information on this topic click here.

Colonoscopies are also quite controversial. Even though your doctor will tell you that everyone by age 50 should have one, the literature does NOT back this up for asymptomatic patients. Perhaps one person in 200 will have a significant finding on colonoscopy. If you are fit, this number goes to one in 400 and if you have a normal vitamin D level, it will be even less. Each person should discuss this with their primary care doctor.

One in 200 colonoscopies will have a complication that will lead to a hospitalization from either perforation or bleeding requiring a transfusion. It makes far more sense in asymptomatic people to be sure that you are fit and that you’re getting plenty of sunshine to get vitamin D. In patients who are symptomatic, colonoscopies save lives.

Pap smears and HPV testing every year to two save lives at least until the age of about 65, when we don’t have sufficient data to be sure what it does.

Preventing and Screening for Heart Disease

Heart attacks cause far more deaths than breast cancer. In fact, it is the leading cause of death in the US. We believe it is possible to markedly reduce this unnecessary epidemic through a healthy lifestyle and specialized laboratory and screening testing that provides important clues about the state of our heart health.

Conventional medicine is geared to deal with heart health primarily after something has gone wrong. This is clearly important, but often too late. Ideally we need an approach that is proactive and focuses on prevention and early detection.

Heart disease is not necessary for most of us. If we live a healthy lifestyle, odds are that we’ll never get heart disease. Because we don’t live healthy lifestyles, it is wise to measure the standard risk factors for heart disease such as cholesterol and its fractions, fasting insulin levels, homocysteine, Lp(a), iron levels, CRP, and fibrinogen levels as baselines for tracking. We also measure the actual level of vascular stiffness that is the result of arteriosclerosis and heart rate variability. These are the most accurate and practical screening tests for heart disease and stroke.

This workup sets the stage for powerful and effective natural strategies that can reverse heart disease. Our practitioners are experts in this approach.

Preventing and Managing Osteoporosis/Osteopenia

We manage bone health safely and effectively using a combination of strong science, a healthy lifestyle, and natural therapies. We always begin with a healthy diet, weight bearing exercise, adequate sleep, stress reduction, and avoid drugs that likely predispose to bone loss such as: steroids, SSRI antidepressants (such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil), drugs blocking production of acid in the stomach (such as Prilosec, Aciphex, Nexium, Protonix, and Prevacid), Dilantin, Coumadin, Heparin, Lasix, methotrexate, caffeine, and tobacco.

We do not recommend bisphosphonate drugs such as Fosamax, Boniva, or Actonel, because we believe they are unsafe. Using vitamin D3 and K2 along with calcium with micronutrients, and sometimes the element strontium, avoid serious or even life-threatening complications such as GI irritation, ulcers of the esophagus, skin rash, low blood calcium, atrial fibrillation, painful muscles and joints, and osteonecrosis of the jaw.

Managing Pain with Infrared Light Therapy (Photonic Stimulation)

For the past decade we have used infrared light therapy in clinical practice and are involved in leading edge research. Our pioneering work is now reaching an international audience.

In women’s health, we have had success in treating PMS, compression fractures, arthritic pain, disc problems, TMJ, neuropathies, post operative pain, the pain of cancers, sports injuries, and much more.

Infrared light therapy works by:

· Increasing circulation immediately

· Speeding healing by 50% (NASA studies)

· Increasing energy production in mitochondria

· Increasing lymphatic drainage

· Reducing inflammation

· Reducing the sensitivity of pain fibers and dramatically reducing pain in minutes

We treat using a highly sensitive infrared camera that allows us to see the changes we’re making in real time while applying infrared light to your body. You can see your body’s thermal patterns change almost instantly during treatment.


Infrared Light Therapy (Video)

Healing Circles

For people with particularly challenging health problems, we often offer “Healing Circles.” We bring 5-7 practitioners of widely varied disciplines together for two hours to meet with you to explore your health problems. We do not charge for these events...they are entirely free and there are no obligations.

Healing Circles begin with introductions of who we are and what we do, and followed by an invocation prayer of intention for the “Circle.” The major tools of a Healing Circle are listening deeply to what our patient is expressing, and caring deeply about who they are and their health challenges at all levels—body, mind, emotion, and spirit.

We offer Healing Circles because we’ve seen remarkable changes in people who are stuck and not able to function well in life using this approach. We have been involved in research on these circles and are collecting data that we hope will prove this hypothesis and eventually be published in the medical literature.

Healing Circles (Audio)

Healing Circles with Meg Jordan (Audio)

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