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submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Dr. Gracer reviews cutting edge pharmaceutical, nutritional, and emotional approaches to dealing with addictions to alcohol and drugs. The strategies presented are a breakthrough to a new level of excellence in treating addictions.
submitted by: admin on 05/07/2015
Addiction and co-dependency often go hand in hand and are very difficult to resolve. It is possible to learn new ways to deal with life situations through coaching. Getting help is the first step.
submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Gary tells the story of how he struggled with his own personal addiction and what it took to deal with it. He became an overachieving, highly successful trial attorney. The pattern of his drinking changed and he shares the story with us.
submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
There are chemical changes in the brains of addicts that must be dealt with to reduce the cravings associated with addiction. Genetic factors are considered. Methamphetamine addiction is addressed. Abuse and dependence are differentiate.
For the first time, a doctor has developed a treatment program especially for "hidden" addicts-people whose lives...
submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Internet addiction and aggression have been linked as an association. There are withdrawal symptoms when the Internet is withheld. Social Internet communities are now common and texting, Facebook, etc, are replacing real time relationships.
submitted by: admin on 07/17/2016
10% of Americans are addicted to drugs, much of this is from medications prescribed by physicians. Typical programs for rehabilitation are unsuccessful. What it takes for a successful program is reviewed and new breakthroughs in medications to support the chemical brain disease resulting from drug addiction is reviewed.
submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Many addiction programs exaggerate their success. In general only about 15% of people in these programs get better. Usually there is a problem that is urgent that leads to getting into a program. Underlying problems must be addressed.
For the first time, a doctor has developed a treatment program especially for "hidden" addicts-people whose lives...
submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Illegal drugs are not the most common form of addiction. Addiction to food is a serious problem. Carbohydrates such as sugar and refined flour are two of the most common culprits. The brain has four appetite regulating sites that can be modified to help solve this problem.
submitted by: admin on 07/17/2016
Our Addiction Health Assessment explores what you are addicted to, how your addiction affects your lifestyle, and what you can do to deal with it using mainstream cutting edge therapies and CAM treatments.
Ten percent of Americans are addicted to drugs, much of this is from medications prescribed by physicians. The usual typical...
submitted by: admin on 05/16/2015
Blocking stomach acid may help with symptoms of indigestion and heartburn, but this is safe for only a few weeks. After about 8 weeks of drug treatment, 40% of people will become addicted. It also blocks the acid we need to digest our food, absorb B12, iron and calcium, and increases the risk of osteoporosis and senile dementia. There are healthy alternatives...
submitted by: admin on 05/19/2015
Surveys show that 94% of smokers don't realize the risks for smoking. Many smokers don't realize there's an increased risk of lung cancer, emphesema, or even heart attacks. Breaking the addiction is very difficult.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The lifestyle of abused mothers is often not healthy for the child. The question of drug and alcohol use as well as poor diet, sleep, and stress all are factors leading to effects on the fetus. Their impact is discussed.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Half of all Americans have chronic pain that interfere with lifestyle. Back pain is most common. Solutions for pain relief are discussed including prayer! Drug and alcohol addictions are common. OTC drugss are common but are not safe.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Carbohydrate addiction is very difficult to resolve. Sugars have a drug effect on the brain, but there are some quick and simple approaches to solve the problem. There are four areas that regulate this addiction. Serotonin, dopamine, gaba, and adrenalin receptor sites are involved. High glycemic index foods are the culprits. Protein diets help break the addiction.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Can People become addicted to Diet Soda? While controversial, research has shown that some people can become addicted to diet soda. Using fMRI's, scientists can see that the aspartame affects the pleasure centers of the brain, much like sugar does. Some people will actually "chain drink" diet soda and can go through withdrawals when...
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
An article published in FASEB Journal showed that obesity in fathers changed the DNA in their sperm so as to put future generations at risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes even if they consumed a healthy diet. This change developed whether or not the obese father had signs of type 2 diabetes or the metabolic syndrome.
We've long known that...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Even medical school faculties acknowledge the outrageous stresses put on med students, interns and residents. This explains why we continue to see high rates of suicide, drug addiction, divorce, and more in this group.
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Foods can be addictive and a key reason for pediatric obesity is related to high calorie, low fiber diets that promote changes in hormones. Sugar addiction underlies many of the hormonal changes that lead to the metabolic syndrome.
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Addiction is common and food is a very common addiction. When we are removed from their natural environment it leads to problems. Sugar and high fructose corn fructose are classic examples of how a natural environment is affected by change. We tend to put blame outside of ourselves, this is what victimization is.
submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Headaches can be divided into types and their treatment varies with each type; this is reviewed. Over the counter drugs are commonly used but are not completely safe. Over use of many drugs can lead to addiction. Both mainstream and CAM approaches to manage headaches are discussed. In particular, infrared light therapy is discussed. Integrative approaches...