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Addiction of Teens to the Internet

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Internet addiction and aggression have been linked as an association. There are withdrawal symptoms when the Internet is withheld. Social Internet communities are now common and texting, Facebook, etc, are replacing real time relationships.              

Coming to Terms with Shame and Aggression with Matthew Fox

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The hidden spirituality of men highlights the ten archetypes that describe how they operate in life. Ostracizing is the origin of shame, of not belonging. The ways we are not part of community is reviewed. Wholeness has been the way of our ancestors. Aggression is also something we have inheirited; we need to deal with this and use it wisely.

Dietary Trans Fats Linked to Aggression

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Consumption of dietary trans fats is associated with irritability and aggression according to an article posted in the Public Library of Science Online in April of 2012. Trans fats are never saturated. If they are fully hydrogenated, they are no longer trans fats; they become saturated fat. Natural trans fats made in nature, such as vaccenic acid (found...

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