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Shifting Medicine from Disease Care to Health Care

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  We cannot sustain a sick care health system and must shift to a true health care system where prevention is the cornerstone of medical practice. In my book, A Return to Healing, I present a 5 point plan that could help encourage a health care paradigm. This program includes: Funding exercise programs both nationally and locally and in every academic...

The Happy Story of GM (Genetically Modified) Crops

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
       "A Return to Healing" Blog: Fri, 03/12/2010 - 23:38 — BBelitsos This short but profound piece, by a Wisconsin dairy farmer named Jim Goodman, is the kind of plain-spoken information we urgently need to understand the GMO debacle--one of the pillars of unsustainable agriculture. (It was first published on February 24,...

Urban Agriculture is Necessary

submitted by: admin on 09/29/2013
According to an article published in the September-October 2013 issue of the Journal of Environmental Quality, it is becoming more commonplace for the best restaurants to farm their own produce and pick it the same day it is cooked! This "urban agriculture" is taking off in many progressive cities. With this activity comes a responsibility to learn...

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