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Autoimmunity Overview

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
There is an epidemic of autoimmune diseases that include hay fever, asthma, diabetes, collagen vascular diseases, and hypothyroidism. The causes of this epidemic range from heavy metal toxicity to drugs and environmental toxins. Our immune system attacks our tissues and we use drugs to suppress our immune system. There are other options for treatment that relate...

Bird Flu: An Overview

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Bird flu is not a problem today and will not be without dramatic mutations. Basic information on influenza viruses is provided. Antigenic drift and shift are explained. Flu shots are not yet needed.      

Influenza and the Bird Flu

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
The ABCs of influenza viruses are and how they are defined are reviewed; where the bird flu virus fits in discussed. Shift and drift and the potential danger of this virus are explained.        

Preview: Autoimmunity

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
There is an epidemic of autoimmune diseases that include hay fever, asthma, diabetes, collagen vascular diseases, and hypothyroidism. The causes of this epidemic range from heavy metal toxicity to drugs and environmental toxins. Our immune system attacks our tissues and we use drugs to suppress our immune system. There are other options for treatment that relate...

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