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Is Automatic Writing for Real?

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Psychography, or automatic writing, is when the spirits of dead people write through the hand of a medium. Studies on experienced and newbee psychography practitioners using SPECT scans showed that there was less brain activity in the experienced vs those less experienced in the frontal lobes, which is where we problem solve. Clearly, there is different...

Life Support: When Should It Be Stopped?

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Being authentic requires listening to our inner voice, not necessarily our impulses. Being open to listening to these instincts is often foreign to accepted consensus. Steve tells us a fascinating story of how he learned this.

Living vs Being Alive with Meir Schneider, PhD, CMT

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Living is maintaining a life that is automatic and what most people do. Being alive is about being in the moment and fully experiencing life as our full self. This leads to tremendous stress and separation from one another.

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