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AIDS and its Relationship to HIV with David Rasnick, PhD

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
The controversy about HIV as the cause of AIDS is discussed. Startling questions are raised making you wonder why it an open debate has not happened in an open forum. Dr. Rasnick's points are very unsettling and require our attention.                

Family Meals

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Life in the fast track has even influenced eating together for dinner. Kids that eat dinner with their families are less likely to take up bad habits and they eat better food. Training kids when they are young is important.

High Dose Statins Associated with Increased Risk of Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
A meta-analysis showed that high dose statin therapy as primary prevention caused an increased risk for type 2 diabetes. The article published in JAMA goes on to say that treatment of 32,000 non-diabetics with 5 years high dose statin treatment caused 149 more cases of type 2 diabetes, but 416 fewer cardiovascular events.This is a very misleading journal article...


submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
  There has been a recent challenge in England about whether or not homeopathy was scientifically based and there is a movement to ban it from medical practice. It still remains a very popular treatment in England and many other places in the world. Whatever "science" does not understand it tends to throw out; this is not a scientific approach....

Nutrition and Cancer with Donald Abrams, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
About 40% of all cancers is caused by bad diets. Plant-based, organic foods are the cornerstone of a healthy diet. Cruciferous veggies, heavily pigmented fruits, berries, certain spices such as turmeric are important.              

Potatoes are the Richest Veggie Source of Potassium

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The potato has gotten a bad rap! It is good for lowering blood pressure and it is the richest and most economical veggie source of potassium. It has many other vitamins, minerals, and nutrients such as vitamin C and catalase. The cost of potassium rich white potatoes was half that of most other veggies. It is what we put on the potato that can get us into trouble....

Stopping the Scourge of Cancer

submitted by: admin on 04/07/2015
Plant based diets help prevent cancer and its spread. Refined carbohydrates stimulate the growth of cancer. Real foods with sugars do not stimulate cancer. How can you clean up your act: create a natural environment. This in combination with oncology is a reasonable approach that works. We need open-minded oncologists for this.          

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