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submitted by: admin on 02/18/2015
Angina is the pain caused by insufficient blood flow to an area of the heart. While this is not lethal in itself, it can be very painful and disabling, and is also a warning that there is at least one blood vessel that is severely blocked and in danger of closing off entirely. A myocardial infarction may be impending. Dr. Saputo recommends the following...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Big pharma whistle blowers do not do so for monetary reasons. However, they often find it difficult to remain employed or find new work. They are punished and often go through divorces, loss of job, loss of friends, and financial ruin.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The interface between consciousness and life energy is explored. Average people simply by concentrating can affect random generators. Non-local effects are common. Emotions and powerful events can entrain how random generators spit out random numbers. Intention is central to specific changes in reality.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads, they sell prescription...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Dr. Blasband is working on energetic aspects of water. Water holds specific intention. Freezing patterns in water vary with the intention imbued into it. He tells stories that are amazing.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) belatedly discovered that of the 86 GMO foods developed, 54 contain a virus called Gene 6 that has not been cleared for safety! Gene 6 may also disturb the normal health of crops, including their natural pest resistance as well as human health.
GMO crops should be banned and recalled. In the US we don't...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads, they sell prescription...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business
orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all
countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions
every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on
advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads,
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads, they sell prescription...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads, they sell prescription...
submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Newer antidepressants are being promoted as better than the older ones. The bottom line is that when drugs go off patent, the drug companies have a need to convince MDs and the public that they should purchase their newer, more profitable products. There are problems with antidepressants that include increased risk of suicide, osteoporosis, and heart...
submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Psychic healing has always existed. Dr. Blasband trained with Nicolai Levishov to learn how to use intention for healing both somatic and psychological problems. This system changes the circuitry of the brain through entrainment. Healers effect change in their patients through their relationship with them and by changing aspects of their resonance.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Health care costs cause half of all bankruptcies in the US and 94% are threatened by them. Even major corporations cannot compete with foreign businesses because of the cost of health insurance. We need health care reform to control costs. This likely means a new paradigm based on wellness and prevention are necessary.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The demise of the US auto industry in large part was related to unaffordable health care costs. GM has been referred to as an insurance company that makes cars! US health care costs are double most industrialized countries.
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Health care in the US is no longer affordable for nearly 50% of all Americans. There are 45 million working Americans without insurance and 50 million more who are underinsured. It is no wonder it leads in bankruptcies.
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
79 million US citizens have medical debt. Millions are un- or under-insured. Health care is a right but disparities are common. Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy. Business trumps service today. We need real health care reform.
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Less than half the claims in ads from top ENT journals are backed by data referenced by the advertiser. The problem is that MDs are swayed by these same ads. A few reputable journals have banned ads, but most have not. Income from journals comes from both subscriptions and from advertisers. Big Pharm knows that for every dollar they spend on an...
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
If you have had a heart attack and you don't take your prescription medications leads to an 80% higher risk for another heart attack. Nutritional alternatives are often as good as medications, but not enough MDs know sufficient information to do this safely. Drugs such as beta blockers, afterload reducers, and anticoagulants. Some natural alternatives are...
submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Most people rely on a sleeping pills or alcohol. All too often we consume too many excitotoxins and blame high cortisol is the problem. Melatonin is used in megadoses. We look to putting bandaids on problems and they don't work. Bad food, medications, excitotoxins, and stress all add up.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Orgone is the life energy as described by Wilhelm Reich. Treatment with orgone therapy is about moving orgone to heal. The way in which people do things rather than what they do is key, esecially if it leads to blocking orgone energy. The challenge is to convince people to change the way they do what they do. The example given has to do with the way we make...