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submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Big Pharma ties to Congress, physicians, and medical institutions. The FDA controls the way medicine is practiced. Big Pharma's advertising is a story of perfection in sales success. Direct to consumer ads, bribes to Congress, funding of research and of medical education, and even of the FDA are ways Big Pharma control the way medicine is practiced. It's...
submitted by: admin on 05/24/2016
ADD and ADHD are characterized by distractability, impulsivity, and disruptive behavior. About 5% of school kids are diagnosed; this is massive overdiagnosis. The influence of Big Pharma and drug therapy is revealed and the drugs used reviewed. The role of essential fatty acid metabolic defects and the importance of psychotherapy highlighted. Be sure and check...
submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Whenever drug is criticised, big pharma comes to the rescue to salvage profits. What else would you expect when the reason big pharma exists is to make profits for their shareholders. Last year (2013) the British Medical Journal printed an article that criticized a previous article published in the same journal that suggested extending treatment with statins...
submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki present everything you need to know about cholesterol. What it is, what the fractions mean, what they predict, and what we can do to deal with elevated levels. Statins, how they work, what they do, and their side effects are reviewed. The role of inflammation, oxidized cholesterol, and why it should not be lowered too much are explained....
submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
The ALLHAT study is the largest study that compares different therapies. They concluded that the most effective and affordable pill was a thiazide diuretic, not the new designer drugs that are highly advertized. Big pharma has a conflict of interest and is only interested in making return on investment.
submitted by: admin on 06/18/2016
In a field plagued by frequent controversy, the American Cancer Society (ACS) claims to have taken a major step forward to provide transparency in how justified it is in recommending cancer screening tests. It blames oncologists with a conflict of interest...what would you expect from an organization that depends on income from big pharma and the mammography...
submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
There is a huge conflict of interest between Big Pharma and medical education. The American Psychiatric Association recognizes this and pledges to refuse financial support for their educational seminars. Psychopharmacology is replacing psychology! Medical education has moved from the couch to a pill box!.
submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
In a recent public poll, it was found that 72% of Americans want to expand medical research as soon as possible. They feel that research is the way to improve health globally, that we need more science, technology, math, and engineering, that the military deserves better health care, are willing to share personal health records, and conduct research on how to...
submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
We live in a culture that deifies youth. The Premarin and Provera fiasco is revealed. The conflict interest of Big Pharma is revealed. Bioidentical hormones are overdone too. Natural progesterone during perimenopause, especially with low bone density. The role of lifestyle with diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction, weight management is highlighted.
submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
Modern anti-psychotic drugs increase the risk of serious blood clots. The incidence is low, but its effects can be serious and possibly affect arterial clotting also; this could cause heart attacks and strokes. These drugs block dopamine receptors. They make many billions of dollars every year for Big Pharma. They also increase the risk for type 2 diabetes and...
submitted by: admin on 05/13/2015
Do antidepressants work? A recent review of 82 medical journal articles that included both published and unpublished articles showed that antidepressant pills work no better than placebo. This shocking expose verifies that pharmaceutical companies withhold data that does not suit their ability to sell drugs and exaggerate those that do. The sad part of this story...
submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
A Harvard study in May of 2012 reviewed the records of more than 10,000 patients admitted to the ICU and found that if they were on antidepressants that their risk of dying was 73% higher. They also found that 17% of these patients were on SSRI or SNRI antidepressants! This risk remained elevated for one year after discharge. People with acute coronary...
submitted by: admin on 05/26/2015
Taking a new drug is not always a good idea because they have not been around long enough to learn all their dangers. It is the effectiveness of big pharma's advertising, especially DTC ads, that entice us to try a new drug. When considering a new drug, keep in mind that you have to add up the percentages of all side effects to determine their true incidence.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Avastin for breast cancer is controversial because it does not extend life or its quality and it is expensive. It costs $88,000 per year of treatment. There are conflicts of interest for the oncologists who make a profit from the chemotherapies they sell to their patients. Big pharma is insensitive to what this drug actually does; it is primarily interested in...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The FDA does not have sufficient funds to police Big Pharma adequately. In fact, a significant amount of FDA funding comes from the drug industry in the form of fast tracked drug programs. Congress is the culprit.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Whenever a new technology is invented, if it is good it will displace the old. This can have profound economic consequences that are abhorent to business-minded corporations. Conflicts of interest with the FDA are discussed.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The pharmaceutical companies regularly entice physicians to use and support their products by giving them perks. At last they are being required to disclose their financial and other gifts so that their behavior is transparent.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Antidepressants in kids are poorly regulated by the FDA even though their safety and effectiveness is debatable. Forrest Labs was caught bribing pediatricians with grants, speaking engagements, dinners, etc. This is the rule rather than the exception. Profit is the bottom line that determines what Big Pharma will do to sell whatever they can.
submitted by: admin on 11/23/2019
US medical students are exposed to big pharma marketing as early as their preclinical years. The extent of their exposure with industry is associated with positive attitudes about marketing. Students feel they are immune to bias. Many medical schools prohibit drug companies from marketing to students, but most do not. At the very least we need to have rules limiting...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Big pharma whistle blowers do not do so for monetary reasons. However, they often find it difficult to remain employed or find new work. They are punished and often go through divorces, loss of job, loss of friends, and financial ruin.