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Bill Gates on Vaccines

submitted by: admin on 11/23/2019
Bill Gates is donating millions of dollars for immunization program development through the World Health Organization to prevent polio, AIDS, malaria, and other diseases. While this is part of a good program to prevent infections, it is still important to treat the underlying reasons for suppressed immunity such as sanitation, clean water, and nutritious food....

California Alternative Health Care Bill Passes

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
SB691 protects MDs from medical boards for the practice of CAM. This is a step towards medical freedom for patients. Lines for patient empowerment are discussed and scope of practice are reviewed.      

California Citizens for Health Freedom Integrative Cancer Bill

submitted by: admin on 12/17/2014
  Californians Demand Integrative Care for Cancer Treatment

Can the Government Keep a Close Watch on Insurance?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
During the early post-health care reform era, HHS claimed to be keeping a close watch on insurance companies to make sure they comply with their new regulations. There is great reason to doubt that this will be so easy in view of how insurance companies had such a powerful influence in protecting their interests.    

Dr. Len Saputo on the true path to healing humanity, with Mike Adams, The Health Ranger

submitted by: admin on 06/02/2020

Homeopathic Detoxification with Bill Kneebone, DC

submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
Dealing with our toxic load is under-appreciated. Dr. Kneebone discusses his approaches from the perspective of homeopathic and other forms of detoxification. Homotoxicology is discussed. Lifestyle measures are discussed as the primary approach. There is an epidemic of toxicity, even in children that leads to compromised immunity. The Body Burden Study verifies...

How Electronic Medical Records are Backfiring and affecting Your Doctor VIsits

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2018
If you are frustrated with the limited time your doctor has during your office visit, be prepared for this to get even worse. According to a study published in the October 2014 issue of the International Journal of Health Services, the average doctor now spends nearly 17% of his or her time on billing, obtaining insurance approvals for services, financial...

How Thoughts Affect Our Health and a Vaccine Update

submitted by: admin on 07/28/2020
What we think, feel, and do have profound effects on our biochemistry, physiology, and health. They modulate our neurotransmitters, hormones, immunity and much more. There's little that is unaffected by our thoughts, feelings, and actions. This approach can make the difference of how our bodies are able to respond to Covid 19. Dr. Len and Francesco delve...

Moderna Entanglements

submitted by: admin on 09/08/2020
With all that is happening in the world today, it is paramount to stay  centered and remain positive. We're all in this together and the only  way out is together! With the exposure of what the pharmaceutical  company, Moderna, is getting, it is becoming very clear that the NIH,  CDC, FDA, WHO, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and others...

The Agony of Irony: Baucus's Alleged Health Reform Bill Flops

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
"A Return to Healing" Blog:  Wed, 09/23/2009 - 12:34 — BBelitsos America’s tepid response so far to Senator Max Baucus’s $776-billion health-care reform bill also points to the many bitter ironies facing “centrist” reformers. Here are just a few... • First, a large plurality of Congressional Democrats secretly support...

Vitamin D and Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Dr. Grant explains the various forms of UV light and how they relate to cancer risk. UVA light penetrates deeply but most sunscreens don't block it and it is what causes melanoma; this actually increases the risk for melanoma! If you shadow is shorter than you are, UVB is present and will make it possible to make vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is linked...

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