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Continuum with Linda Chrisman

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The way we move describes how we are. How we move depends on our experiences in life and how we interact with our environment. Emily Conrad’s work shows that movement is related to our biology. Felt sense is defined.

Epigenetics with Bruce Lipton

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Genes in cells are influenced and controlled by the environment in which it lives. This means that DNA is not immutable. Our perception of how we see the world influences our genetic makeup. We are actually the masters of our biology because what we think affects how our genes effect our biology. Even identical twins have different gene readouts that become more...

How Thoughts Affect Our Health and a Vaccine Update

submitted by: admin on 07/28/2020
What we think, feel, and do have profound effects on our biochemistry, physiology, and health. They modulate our neurotransmitters, hormones, immunity and much more. There's little that is unaffected by our thoughts, feelings, and actions. This approach can make the difference of how our bodies are able to respond to Covid 19. Dr. Len and Francesco delve...

The Biology of Belief with Bruce Lipton

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Here at we are pleased to work with a stellar array of experts from a wide range of disciplines around the world such as author Bruce Lipton.  Our Library has nearly 2,000 unique web pages replete with audio, video and text information that will guide you in hopefully finding answers to your questions. In this interview, listen...

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