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Belly Fat is Dangerous in People with a Normal Weight

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
  Even people with a normal weight who have excess belly fat are at 2.75 times the risk for cardiovascular death and 2.1 times the risk of all cause mortality according to researchers at the Mayo Clinic. Information from the NHANES study showed that an abnormal waist to hip ratio is a powerful predictive statistic. Abdominal fat is correlated with the...

Bioelectric Fingerprint of Cancer Cells

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
  Can changing bioelectric signals halt tumor growth? Biologists at Tufts University discovered a bioelectric signal that identifies cells that are likely  to become cancerous. And by altering the membrane charge can block the development of cancer! Tumor sites had a unique level of depolarized membrane voltage relative to surrounding tissue that...

Bone Marrow Stem Cells are Multipotent

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Studies on mice using adult stem cells derived from bone marrow showed that, when cultured in a special growth medium, have the ability to develop into multiple specialized tissues. A subset of these cells, called CD34+ is multipotent, meaning they can develop into many different tissues, do not lead to the development of teratomas, and eliminate the...

Can Aredia Kill the Influenza Virus?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
An old osteoporosis drug, Aredia, may be effective in killing a range of influenza viruses that include the swine and bird flu. In the June 2011 issue of the Journal of Experimental Medicine, researchers showed that Aredia stimulated gamma-delta T-cells to reproduce and also kill influenza viruses. Rather than killling the virus directly, it does so through the...

Cancer Breakthrough? Liver Nutrient Selectively Kills Cancer Cells

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
  Lithocholic acid (LCA) is a liver bile acid that has the ability to selectively kill cancer cells while not affecting normal cells. It works by causing cancer cell mitochondria to self-destruct. LCA also activates the vitamin D receptor site. It prevents whole tumor growth and slows down the development of metastases. In tests it has been shown to...

Connection of Low Birth Weight and Obesity

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Research continues to show just how important it is for pregnant women to eat a healthy diet and live a healthy lifestyle.  An article in the journal "Brain Research" states: Nutritionally deprived newborns and fetuses have less neurons in the region of the brain that controls food intake.  Because of the lack of neurons these babies are programmed...

Cooking with Dry Heat may Cause Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  A study published in the August issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed that diets high in methylglyoxal, which is produced by dry heat, caused mice to develop early insulin resistance and increased body fat over four generations. This did not happen in the control mice not fed methylglyoxal. The abdominal fat in these mice...

Exercise Boosts Immunity Against Cancer

submitted by: admin on 06/25/2016
  Exercising after completing chemotherapy boosts immunity by replacing senescent NK cells with vibrant, healthy NK cells that can fight against the progression of cancer according to an October 2012 article presented at the Integrative Biology of Exercise in October of 2012. This study out of the University of Nebraska studied people who participated...

Exercise is Powerful Anti-Aging Medicine

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Stem cells accumulate in skeletal muscle following exercise and release growth factors to spur regeneration according to a study published in PLoS online. Stem cells become deficient with aging so exercise is the best way to preserve muscle as we age.        

Fish Oil Derivative Cures Cancer

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
  An article published in the journal, Blood, reported that a compound from fish oil targeted and killed stem cells of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in mice. They were completely cured of CML and with no relapse with a daily injection for just one week! The compound stimulated the p53 tumor suppressor gene that regulates the response to DNA damage...

Fruit that Protects Against Obesity and Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  Stone fruit such as peaches, plums, and nectarines have phenolic compounds that include anthocyanins, clorogenic acids, quercetin and catechins that work on fat cells, macrophages, and vascular endothelial cells to protect against inflammation that causes obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. They could possibly be a weapon against the metabolic...

H. Pylori: Good or Bad?

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Infection with H pylori provides reliable protection against allergy-induced asthma by impairing the production of dendritic cells and triggering the accumulation of regulatory T-cells. Researchers published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation that the dramatic increase in allergic diseases in industrialized countries is linked to the rapid disappearance...

How I Practice Medicine with Wes Rocki, MD

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Bringing the wisdom of different practitioners together creates a healing environment. There is tenacity towards life in every cell without which no medical intervention could work. Mother Nature is a combination between the cooperation of billions of cells in the human body with the environment. Medical lpractitiobners can help some patients, but they can harm...

Insulin Potentiated Therapy

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Insulin potentiated therapy is defined and its applications discussed. Cancer cells depend on sugar to make energy, whereas normal cells rely on fat. Thus, when sugar is withheld by injection insulin into the body, cancer cell membranes open wide to take in as much sugar as possible. It is when cell membranes are wide open that low dose chemotherapy...

Iron Supplements can Reduce Fatigue

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  According to a study in the July 2012 issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, iron supplementation reduced fatigue by about 50% in women with low iron but without anemia. When ferritin levels are below 50 and women with fatigue are supplemented with just 80 mg of iron per day over 12 weeks, their fatigue decreased and their iron levels increased...

Is Getting Cancer Just Bad Luck?

submitted by: admin on 01/22/2015
Reseachers from John Hopkins Cancer created a statistical model measuring the proportion of cancer incidence caused by random mutations during stem cell division; this was published in the journal, Science in January of 2015. They concluded that 2/3 of cancers can be explained by "bad luck." What they really determined was an association rather than...

Is melatonin effective cancer treatment?

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
  Melatonin has a wide range of benefits in people with cancer. It is an immune booster (increases NK cells that fight cancer), inhibits angiogenesis, increases apoptosis, alleviates many of the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation thereapy, and is safe, affordable, and available. Research from Cancer Treatment Centers of America shows that...

Meditation Increases Brain Power

submitted by: admin on 11/15/2014
UCLA medical researchers published an article in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience in March of 2012 showing that long term (20 or more years) meditators have more gyrification (thicker brains) than non-meditators. Meditators also have stronger connections between brain cells. Meditation is catching on in the US and now about 10% meditate.        

Mitochondria: The Achilles Heel of Cancer Cells

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
  Cancer cell mitochondria are the powerhouse and Achilles heel of tumor growth and metastasis. Cancer cells consume more than 5 times the energy than normal cells. This is contradictory to Otto Warberg's Nobel Prize winning thesis that cancer cells produced only limited amounts of ATP by burning glucose (glycolysis). Apparently, Warberg was measuring...

Natural News Radio Show 7.11.12

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Drug warning labels, bone marrow stem cells, vitamin D, immune stimulants, and more This show's topics include: Drug warning labels, bone marrow stem cells, vitamin D immune stimulants and more.          

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