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submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
An old osteoporosis drug, Aredia, may be effective in killing a range of influenza viruses that include the swine and bird flu. In the June 2011 issue of the Journal of Experimental Medicine, researchers showed that Aredia stimulated gamma-delta T-cells to reproduce and also kill influenza viruses. Rather than killling the virus directly, it does so through the...
submitted by: admin on 05/27/2016
The spice, saffron, shows promise in preventing liver cancer in animal models. Rats treated with the chemical carcinogen, diethylnitrosamine (DEN) there was an inhibition of cell proliferation and stimulation of apoptosis, both of which are important cancer treatment mechanisms. Chronic infection with hepatitis B or C are major risk factors for primary hepatocellular...
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have clear abnormalities in cellular biochemistry that can be addressed by a proper workup. Many cases are complicated by previous trauma or PTSD.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and multiple chemical sensitivities have many overlapping symptoms. The clinical picture is reviewed. Mainstream treatment leaves much to be desired. Orthomolecular medicine offers deeper insights into complex biochemical abnormalities these diseases show. The theory of cellular malfunction is reviewed.
submitted by: admin on 06/27/2015
A journal article published in the June 2013 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases showed that people who got a flu shot were 5.5 times more at risk for developing another viral respiratory infection! And, they also found that there was no protection from the immunization from the flu. Hmmm. Want a flu shot?
A possible reason for this could be...
submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
The role of stem cells in cancer metastasis is addressed. Communication between cancer cells and the tissues where it will eventually spread is discussed. Why cancer cells spread to only certain organs and tissues is addressed.
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Life Extension published an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showing that there is a relationship between the inflammatory state and reduced levels of vitamins and minerals. Serum levels of these nutrients are often normal when the major stores, which are often intracellular. Measuring serum levels can be misleading because cellular...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
This mineral has profound effects on our biochemistry and physiology in many diseases such as asthma and heart disease. Measuring it is under-utilized and should involve measuring intracellular levels, not just serum levels because 99% is intracellular, not in blood.
submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
Magnesium deficiency affects 80% of us. It is critical for hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the body. We need about 500 mg of magnesium glycinate. It is critical for building bone. Many micronutrients and lifestyle measures are needed to build bone. The dangers of calcium supplements in causing arteriosclerosis and kidney stones are reviewed.
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Both chromium and vanadium improve insulin sensitivity and are valuable adjuncts to treating type 2 diabetes. Measuring the insulin level is very important and tips us off, even in the presence of a normal blood sugar level, that pre-diabetes or the metabolic syndrome is present. Chromium must be used at dosages of 1000 micrograms per day to be effective. Meats,...
submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Nutritional medicine is a fundamental cornerstone of maintaining good health. Yet it is understudied in mainstream medicine. Much of the work in modern orthomolecular medicine began in psychiatry as orthomolecular psychiatry. Dr. Kunin gives the example of most schizophrenics who have damage to the niacin receptors in their brain, which can be repaired...
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
When doctors recommend the flu shot patients are 50 times more likely to take it. We need studies to prove that the flu shot is safer than not taking it...they don't exist. The rate of spontaneous abortions is an issue that is not worked out. Mercury is concentrated 15 times in the baby's blood stream over that which is in the mother; this...
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Inflammation is the final common pathway of illness. Inflammation is a repair deficit problem that must be dealt with if we're going to repair the physiology that leads to cellular dysfunction and disease. Proactive prevention through the alkaline way is a cornerstone of wellness. Homeostasis is about living in balance and harmony with nature. Rediscovering...
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Richard Kunin, MD is boarded in both psychiatry and neurology. He is also the founder and president of the Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society and one of the world's experts in cellular biochemistry that is anchored in nutrition.
In this video, Dr. Kunin explains his "Listen to Your Body Diet." He reviews the role of sugars and carbohydrates...
submitted by: admin on 10/03/2014
According to an article in the December 2013 issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, a dramatic increase in the uptake of sugar by a cell could be a cause for its becoming cancerous. The article reported that cancer cells have 400 times the ability to transport sugar into themselves.
We know that cancer cells cannot make energy as...
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The world's foremost expert in vitamin C shares some of his secrets. The story on dosage and gut tolerance is related to how sick we are. Massive doses reverse most viral diseases, including the flu. Bowel tolerance is described. The dosage used determines the effects on the body. It also decreases the production of antibodies as it increases cellular immunity.
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
This is a great video for those who want a better understanding about what Health Medicine is and how it differs from conventional medicine.
Dr. Kunin takes the practice of medicine to a whole new level where he looks at the understanding of the physiology and biochemistry of an illness rather than just trying to suppress symptoms. Dr. Len and Dr. Kunin...