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Addiction Medical Treatments with Richard Gracer, MD

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
There are chemical changes in the brains of addicts that must be dealt with to reduce the cravings associated with addiction. Genetic factors are considered. Methamphetamine addiction is addressed. Abuse and dependence are differentiate. For the first time, a doctor has developed a treatment program especially for "hidden" addicts-people whose lives...

Healing Ourselves, Healing Our Planet with Emmett Miller, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
The vast majority of illnesses are changeable with our thought processes. Your experience of health is related to how you process information. Conflict is what leads to disease. The bipolar universe encourages conflict. Being present and oneness lead to love and connection and compassion for all things. The new paradigm honors unity.          

The New Legitimacy with John Renesch

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
People can give legitimacy and can also take it away. We do this unconsciously by default. Legitimacy is what is allowed to happen. If we don't object to negative changes we give them approval

Tracking Lifestyle Changes

submitted by: admin on 10/19/2019
Lifestyle is our most important prescription for good health. On you can track your progress over time using our unique tracking system on your very own home page. Once you become a member you can follow your lifesytyle changes and your improvement over time of any health care condition you have and see how much healthier you are.          

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