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submitted by: admin on 06/19/2016
We have had nearly 500,000 views on the YouTube video on artemisinin over the past three years. Hundreds of people have contacted me asking for more information about where to get it and how to use it. This is the reason for making this video called Artemisinin Part 2: How to Use It. I've also provided considerable research...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2014
According to the January 2013 issue of Annals of Oncology, the side effects of chemotherapy are left out of the articles. Investigators are going overboard to make their studies look as positive as possible. Two thirds of 164 studies were found to downplay the side effects of chemotherapy. This, of course, leads oncologists to treatment protocols that don't...
submitted by: admin on 06/26/2016
A study out of Singapore, published in Annals of Oncology in March of 2012, showed that breast cancer patients treated with chemotherapy had symptoms of chemobrain manifested by memory loss, difficulty in decision making and speech problems. Patients were generally not aware they had symptoms because they attributed them to fatigue, anxiety, and mood...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Most people think that "Pink Ribbon" leaders are doing a great job in helping prevent the breast cancer epidemic. However, they are sponsored by cosmetic companies that include products that cause cancer; this includes Estee Lauder, Avon, and Revlon. Breast Cancer Awareness Month was started by a drug company, Astra Zenica, that sells chemotherapy...
submitted by: admin on 06/26/2016
Consuming cruciferous vetetables after a diagnosis of breast cancer was associated with improved survival in Chinese women, as reported in the Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study in April 2012. Nearly 5000 breast cancer survivors with stage 1-4 cancer were followed prospectively over three years. Comparing the highest quartile with the lowest with...
submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Doctors tend to urge cancer patients to discuss supplements with their doctors before beginning treatment because they may negatively affect chemotherapy. Some herbs interfere with the metabolism of chemotherapy drugs. Another problem is that MDs are not trained in nutrition, herbs and supplements and generally discourage the use of any treatment they are unfamiliar....
submitted by: admin on 06/25/2016
Exercising after completing chemotherapy boosts immunity by replacing senescent NK cells with vibrant, healthy NK cells that can fight against the progression of cancer according to an October 2012 article presented at the Integrative Biology of Exercise in October of 2012. This study out of the University of Nebraska studied people who participated...
submitted by: admin on 10/22/2018
There is a turf war between mainstream oncologists and CAM doctors that leads to an adversarial and competitive stance that is not in the patient's best interest. There is enough cancer around, but there aren't enough cures! Integrative oncology is sadly needed, but greed has gotten in the way of working together for the best interest of the patient....
submitted by: admin on 07/15/2014
A study published in the June 2014 issue of the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine disclosed that in 28% of the cases when St. John's Wort was used there was the potential for harmful combinations when combined with pharmaceutical drugs. Apparently SJW induces accelerated detoxification of the same pathways in the liver as are used...
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Insulin potentiated therapy is defined and its applications discussed. Cancer cells depend on sugar to make energy, whereas normal cells rely on fat. Thus, when sugar is withheld by injection insulin into the body, cancer cell membranes open wide to take in as much sugar as possible. It is when cell membranes are wide open that low dose chemotherapy...
submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
Low dose naltrexone (LDN) has been implicated to help with cancer, HIV/AIDS, autoimmune diseases, and much more. Now it has been shown to have a potent antitumor effect on human ovarian cancer in both tissue culture and in animal xenografts. Naltrexone (NTX) is a general opioid receptor antagonist that results in compensatory elevation in endogenous opioids and...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Mammograms are a poor screening test for premenopausal women. There are too many false positive and negative findings. Breast thermography is the answer. They have not been widely accepted.
submitted by: admin on 06/25/2016
There is now a treatment for chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy that is being tested in a clinical trial. The results in clinical practice have been very promising in reducing pain, numbness and improving proprioception (balance). Dr. Len recently participated in a pilot study on treating diabetic neuropathy using infrared light therapy.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Bisphosphonates are overprescribed. Low levels of vitamin D are epidemic and cause much of the osteoporosis we see. Bone metabolism, vitamin D, calcium, sunlight, and parathyroid hormone are discussed. Measuring vitamin D should be routine now.
submitted by: admin on 06/25/2016
A survey of 480 oncologists published in the December 2012 issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology showed that they get paid more when they administer and sell chemotherapy and other drugs to their patients. This has been previously shown to account for up to 65% of their income in some instances. Yet only 27% of these oncologists acknowledged this...
submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Mainstream treatment for inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease sometimes require very aggressive treatment with steroids, TNF alpha blockers, chemotherapy, and even surgery, but they also require nutritional support of the GI tract with probiotics, l-glutamine, quercetin, digestive enzymes, essential fatty acids, and optimal...
submitted by: admin on 05/13/2015
It seems that peripheral neuropathy (PN) is becoming more and more common in medical practice today. I have seen more than a thousand people with PN over the past 15 years. There are a wide range of causes for PN and fortunately there is treatment for it that is revolutionary in my opinion. In this PowerPoint presentation, which is being presented to Alta Bates...
submitted by: admin on 06/25/2016
Many breast cancers resolve on their own. Autopsy studies show that about 30% of women in their 50s have occult breast cancers that apparently come and go. It makes one wonder if we are massively overdiagnosing cancers and overtreating them as well. The trick is to know which cancers are dangerous and in need of treatment. Studies on mammograms over time have...
submitted by: admin on 06/25/2016
Patients with advanced cancer have the mistaken belief that chemotherapy can cure their illness according to a New England Journal of Medicine article published in October of 2012. This Dana-Farber Cancer Institute study showe that 69% of advanced lung cancer and 81% of advanced colorectal cancer did not understand that chemotherapy was not at...
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Suddenly, out of nowhere, we seem to be facing what are being called "drug shortages" for some chemotherapy drugs, certain antibiotics, ADHD drugs, some anesthetics, and even electrolye solutions. Sounds fishy to me! While it is difficult to be certain, the lack of respectable ethics of Big Pharma makes one wonder what is going on. Could it be that...