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Designs For Health: Chromium Synergy 90 vegetarian capsules

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
  Synergistic formula for blood sugar support  Health Medicine Essentials Chromium Synergy™ offers the best chelated minerals sourced from the world’s leader in chelated mineral science, Albion Advanced Nutrition. The chromium in Chromium Synergy™ is fully chelated to glycine and nicotinate for enhanced absorption. All the...

Epidemic of Failing Artificial Hips

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Tens of thousands of metal on metal artificial hips are failing years earlier than expected and are requiring a second surgery to take the old device out and put in a new one. There has been no tracking system to follow how they do, although after the fact a tracking system is being implemented by orthopedists now. This is coming at a price of about $1 billion....

Is Your Hip Replacement Poisoning You?

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Metal on metal hip prostheses are made of titanium, chromium, and cobalt. When they wear out they release chromium and cobalt into the local tissues, but also into the circulation. Metallosis can result and sometimes leads to tremendous inflammation. The orthopedic community does not yet accept this entity, yet 93,000 DePuy hip prostheses are being recalled....

Minerals that Help in Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Both chromium and vanadium improve insulin sensitivity and are valuable adjuncts to treating type 2 diabetes. Measuring the insulin level is very important and tips us off, even in the presence of a normal blood sugar level, that pre-diabetes or the metabolic syndrome is present. Chromium must be used at dosages of 1000 micrograms per day to be effective. Meats,...

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