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Anti-Psychotic Drugs and Clotting

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
Modern anti-psychotic drugs increase the risk of serious blood clots. The incidence is low, but its effects can be serious and possibly affect arterial clotting also; this could cause heart attacks and strokes. These drugs block dopamine receptors. They make many billions of dollars every year for Big Pharma. They also increase the risk for type 2 diabetes and...

Cutting Edge Treatment for Stroke

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
While having a stroke can be devastating, there are cutting edge strategies that can help a lot more than conventional medical practice that includes physical therapy, anticoagulation, and sometimes surgery. Most strokes are caused by clots from arteriosclerosis or atrial fibrillation or hemorrhage into the brain, but stroke-like conditions such as head trauma,...

Hospital Infections

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The incidence of hospital acquired infections is on the rise. Hospital staff are not taking responsibility for washing hands or changing clothing, because they are too much in a hurry. 90,000 deaths occur annually from this cause.

How Safe is Medical Care

submitted by: admin on 09/25/2013
According to an article published in the August issue of BMJ quality and Safety, there are more than 43 million hospital injuries caused by unsafe medical care worldwide. The authors reviewed more than 4,000 scientific articles and tracked adverse outcomes from the use of medication, urinary tract infections caused by catheters, systemic infections from...

Hypnosis Helps Hot Flashes

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  According to an article in the October issue of the journal Menopause, hypnosis can help cut hot flashes by as much as 74%. Women had five weekly sessions where they received suggestions for images of coolness, a safe place, or relaxation and received an audio recording of a hypnotic induction. The control group received all but the recording. At 12...

Is Strontium Safe Treatment for Osteoporosis?

submitted by: admin on 07/29/2019
Strontium renalate is a potent stimulator of new bone growth that helps increase bone density in people with osteoporosis. However, a study by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in January of 2014 shows that there is an increase in serious heart problems including heart attacks as well as more blood clots in veins. The EMA will likely lead to taking two drugs,...

Minimizing Stroke

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Dr. Saputo defines what a stroke is, how it affects the brain, and reviews how it affects our body. The difference between a transient ischemic attack (TIA) and stroke is reviewed. The importance of getting to an emergency room immediately can be critical in dissolving the clot. The action of aspirin and ginkgo biloba in the setting of a stroke are reviewed....

Preview, Strokes

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
This is an extensive overview of stroke. The cause of most strokes is the result of interrupted blood flow to the brain from plaque, clots, and bleeding. Transient ischemic attacks are often the warning of an impending stroke and it is a medical emergency. Guidelines for recognizing and managing stroke are reviewed. The importance of a healthy lifestyle is highlighted.

Steroids Can Cause Osteoporosis in 3 Months

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
  Glucocorticoids such as Prednisone and Prednisolone can cause osteoporosis within 3-6 months of use and lead to fractures, especially vertebral fractures. Nearly 5% of women in the US are on these drugs for a variety of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, vasculitis, and a myriad of skin disorders. The risk...


submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
The types, causes, and treatment of stroke are reviewed from both the mainstream and CAM approaches.

Stroke Overview

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
  This is an extensive overview of stroke. The cause of most strokes is the result of interrupted blood flow to the brain from plaque, clots, and bleeding. Transient ischemic attacks are often the warning of an impending stroke and it is a medical emergency. Guidelines for recognizing and managing stroke are reviewed. The importance of a healthy lifestyle...

What is Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease?

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Arteriosclerotic heart disease is defined by reduced blood flow caused by cholesterol plaques, with or without blood clots, in one or more blood vessels of the heart. This situation can lead to insufficient nutrient delivery to the downstream tissues that can cause three very important complications.   Congestive heart failure develops if there is...

What You Need to Know About Atrial Fibrillation

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Atrial fibrillation occurs when the top part of the heart, called the atria, beats at around 300 beats per minute and leads to ineffective contraction of the atria. This predisposes to clots forming in the left atrium that can break off and travel to the brain and block circulation and result in strokes. Anticoagulation is the treatment of choice but there is...

What You Should Know About Vitamin K

submitted by: admin on 04/21/2015
Vitamin K's function is underappreciated by both MDs and patients. It regulates calcium metabolism and protects against osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, aortic valve calcification and regulates clotting. Adequate levels of vitamin K move calcium out of soft tissues such as arteries and heart valves and into bones, where we need it. Even people on Coumadin...

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