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submitted by: admin on 02/18/2015
Angina is the pain caused by insufficient blood flow to an area of the heart. While this is not lethal in itself, it can be very painful and disabling, and is also a warning that there is at least one blood vessel that is severely blocked and in danger of closing off entirely. A myocardial infarction may be impending. Dr. Saputo recommends the following...

Cutting Edge Treatment for Stroke

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
While having a stroke can be devastating, there are cutting edge strategies that can help a lot more than conventional medical practice that includes physical therapy, anticoagulation, and sometimes surgery. Most strokes are caused by clots from arteriosclerosis or atrial fibrillation or hemorrhage into the brain, but stroke-like conditions such as head trauma,...

How Safe is St. John's Wort?

submitted by: admin on 07/15/2014
A study published in the June 2014 issue of the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine disclosed that in 28% of the cases when St. John's Wort was used there was the potential for harmful combinations when combined with pharmaceutical drugs. Apparently SJW induces accelerated detoxification of the same pathways in the liver as are used...

Medications After a Heart Attack are Crucial

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
If you have had a heart attack and you don't take your prescription medications leads to an 80% higher risk for another heart attack. Nutritional alternatives are often as good as medications, but not enough MDs know sufficient information to do this safely. Drugs such as beta blockers, afterload reducers, and anticoagulants. Some natural alternatives are...

Minimizing Stroke

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Dr. Saputo defines what a stroke is, how it affects the brain, and reviews how it affects our body. The difference between a transient ischemic attack (TIA) and stroke is reviewed. The importance of getting to an emergency room immediately can be critical in dissolving the clot. The action of aspirin and ginkgo biloba in the setting of a stroke are reviewed....

Preventing Strokes: Aspirin, Plavix, Coumadin, Pradaxa, or What?

submitted by: admin on 02/18/2015
  A large clinical trial testing the effects of aspirin and Plavix to prevent small strokes was stopped because there was no added benefit by combining these drugs and the risk of bleeding was too high. This information was presented at the 2012 American Stroke Association meeting in February of 2012. A second abstract presented at the same conference...

Use Calcium and Vitamin D Before Drugs for Osteoporosis

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Prescription bone-building drugs such as the bisphosphonates should be a last resort according to new research from the University of Illinois in 2011. Even though these drugs have been proven to reduce osteoporotic fractures, they have very significant side effects that include GI bleeding, atrial fibrillation, muscle and joint pain, and osteonecrosis of the...

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