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submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
The ALLHAT study is the largest study that compares different therapies. They concluded that the most effective and affordable pill was a thiazide diuretic, not the new designer drugs that are highly advertized. Big pharma has a conflict of interest and is only interested in making return on investment.
submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
Aspirin is not a good idea for women trying to stave off heart attacks or strokes. Fifty women would have to take ASA for 10 years to help just one person, and this would only be for women at risk for a heart attack. For a person who has already had a heart attack or stroke, the evidence shows there is some benefit to taking aspirin, but it is not...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
When we think of aspirin, especially a baby aspirin, it seems innocuous. However, complications occur very commonly and can be devastating. Alternate solutions should be considered and they are discussed.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Seniors who take daily aspirin have twice the risk for wet macular degeneration (not for the dry form). The risk increases from 2 cases per 100 people to 4 cases per 100 people. The authors stated that they felt the benefits of fewer heart attacks and strokes outweighed the visual issues. However, no mention of other forms of anticoagulation were considered such...
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Prescriptions for Health Radio Show May 6, 2011Dr. Len and Nurse VIcki explore the following topics:
The influence of salt in primary prevention of heart attacks and strokes
Intestinal microflora types
Diet for diabetics: The ketogenic diet
Insomnia causes type 2 diabetes
Why night owls tend to put on weight
Ideal blood sugars increase mortality in people...
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
We cannot sustain a sick care health system and must shift to a true health care system where prevention is the cornerstone of medical practice. In my book, A Return to Healing, I present a 5 point plan that could help encourage a health care paradigm. This program includes: Funding exercise programs both nationally and locally and in every academic...