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Arthur Young's Theory of Process with Michael Buchele, MD

submitted by: admin on 06/22/2015
Is consciousness primary or secondary? How consciousness, matter and light interrelate is discussed. The theory of process is presented in a very novel way.              

Consciousness Reasearch with Richard Blasband, MD

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The interface between consciousness and life energy is explored. Average people simply by concentrating can affect random generators. Non-local effects are common. Emotions and powerful events can entrain how random generators spit out random numbers. Intention is central to specific changes in reality.

Embodying Life's Purpose with Steve Sisgold

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Embodying life's purpose involves more than thinking. The congruency of our body and our thoughts is very revealing. Listen to your body's signals to erase self doubt and go for what you want from life. Notice how your body responds to what you think, it will reflect who you are and offer insights about how life is going.      

Learning from the Breath with Nirinjan Yee

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Learning from how we breathe is a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and also between consciousnes and uncounscious. Listening to the breath has a profound effect on how we breathe. Balancing this with heart rate variability adds another powerful tool.            

Making Sense of Energy with Debra Greene

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Subtle energy, chakras, meridians, auras, prana, chi, etc are being talked about but putting them all together is challenging. Science rigidly rejects what it does not understand in a very unscientific way! Turning to outcome-based research is becoming a necessity.

Men and Expanded Consciousness and Healing with Matthew Fox

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
The blue pearl is reputed to be what is seen when there is enlightenment. Its meaning is discussed and related to our creativity and expanding our consciousness. It is about our capacity for healing.        

Mind of the Dolphin and Whale with Trish Regan and Doug Hackett

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Dolphins and whales have bigger brains than humans. Doug and Trish had a spiritual calling to swim with dolphins and whales that they describe. There is an energy bubble around them that is unconditional love. Many healings have been attributed to their energy.        

Science, Spirituality and Medicine

submitted by: admin on 09/17/2016
This essay explores the roles of science and spirituality in our human experience and how they complement one another in our quest to understand how the Universe works. Click on the download box below to access the file  

The Journey to Wellness is the Return to Wholeness with Vijaya Stallings, PhD

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Ayurvedic wholeness is described. Separation from one another leads to fear. Our roots of consciousness arise from the wholeness of the cosmos and when we stray from this it leads to separation and conflict.

The Power of Consciousness with John Renesch

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Consciousness is the generating force that starts change, creativity, process, content, etc. It can be both positive and negative. Much of today’s mode of action is immersed in a negative fatal fundamentalism and dogma.

What are Energy Bodies, Part 2 with Debra Greene

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The energy fields around the body are described. The emotional body's purpose is to connect with people and share our feelings; they can be too big or too small. Our mental body is related to how we think; thoughts are real "things." Thoughts are like magnets. The universal body beyond the other "bodies." The substance of the universal body is "consciousness."

What is a Non-local Mind with Larry Dossey, MD

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
What non-local means and how it relates to the mind. Infinite is another word for non-local. Consciousness is not confined to the brain; it is universal and timeless. The mystery of this remains even though mathematics supports it. We don't need to understand this; all we need to know is that it exists and be able to use it. Caring is a critical ingredient in...

Who is Aurther Young with Michael Buchele, MD

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
How consciousness gets in to matter is explored. Which is primary, consciousness or matter? This is a mute question; we're conscious, what more do we need? The Theory of Process of Frank Barr is described.

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