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BioEnergy Testing with Frank Shallenberger, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Bio-Energy testing provides information that helps us understand the biochemistry of the body and how it relates to our energy level, fitness, and thyroid function.            

How Efficiently Does Your Body Use Oxygen

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2018
Oxygen utilization is different from how much oxygen we take in when we breathe. We can take in 100% oxygen and still not have normal oxygen utilization at the mitochondrial level if our mitochondria are not functioning properly. In an article published in the May 2014 issue of The Townsend Letter, Dr. Frank Shallenberger explains that if our oxygen utilization...

Importance of Exercise for the Elderly

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Exercise is especially critical in the elderly. As we lose our youth it becomes easier to lose our strength and fitness and it takes longer to get our fitness better. Walking 3 days a week does a lot to support healthy aging, better mood, and mental acuity. Exercise allows the body and mind to adapt and do more work with less energy.

Optimal Nutrition in Preparation for Surgery

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
  An article published in the journal, Surgery, in March of 2013 showed that what you eat before surgery may affect your recovery. They demonstrated that in mice consuming a high fat diet that there was more inflammation in the body. These authors also pointed out that when fat tissue is traumatized at surgery that there is a flaring of inflammation...

Red Meat Consumption Linked to Cardiovascular and Cancer Mortality

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
A Harvard study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in March of 2012 found that red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of total, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality. They also showed that substituting other healthly protein sources was associated with a lower mortality risk. They studied 37,000 men and 83,000 women for up to...

Should Calorie Counts Be Posted on Restaurant Menus

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
When calorie counts are posted we tend to consume fewer calories. Legislation passed in NY and should be in California soon to require posting. Super-size me has become the norm and we must stop this.

Understanding the Metabolic Syndrome

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  The epidemic of type 2 diabetes is for the most part silent. It it not just about blood sugar levels, it is about insulin resistance. The interaction between blood sugar levels and insulin are reviewed as are its consequences. Fat buildup in the abdomen accumulates and leads to the vascular complications of diabetes. The value of a low carb diet is...

Why Warning Labels Can be Dangerous to Your Health

submitted by: admin on 02/09/2014
A fascinating study from Tel Aviv University and published in the January 2014 issue of Psychological Science showed that some warning labels actually promote sales! It seems to depend on when a manufacturer attempts to make a sale. When potential buyers are given full disclosure about the dangers of drugs, cigarettes or even artificial sweeteners,...

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