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Drug Company Kickbacks to Doctors and Pharmacists

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  The US government is filing a law suit against the drug company, Novartis, for giving $65 million kickbacks to physicians and pharmacists to prescribe Lotrel, Valturna, Starlix, and Myfortis over the past decade. These kickbacks were in the form of dinners at high end restaurants, cash, rebates, and discounts.  One extreme example is from...

Medical Anthropology and Sex with Meg Jordan

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
There has been a decline in sexual interest over the past few decades that is related to the disconnection caused by high tech electronics but also to environmental toxins. Sperm quality and numbers are dropping. Depression is another factor that has decreased libido. We've lost our meaningful purpose in life in our materialistic, narcissistic lives. Connection,...

Should Calorie Counts Be Posted on Restaurant Menus

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
When calorie counts are posted we tend to consume fewer calories. Legislation passed in NY and should be in California soon to require posting. Super-size me has become the norm and we must stop this.

Unique Probiotics Trigger Different Immune Responses

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The ability of probiotics to influence the immune system differs greatly depending on the strain in question. One probiotic strain is not like another when it comes to immune function. T-cell counts are one marker documenting this. Different strains activate different subtypes of T-helper cells while others specifically induce another subtype. By building...

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