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Health Crisis in America

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We don't even address health, we focus on disease. By examining cultures with longevity and good health teaches us that living a healthy lifestyle is the key. We have fundamentally undermined a healthy lifestyle and are now sick.

Social Belonging: Lessons from Bhutan with Meg Jordan, PhD, RN

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Gross national happiness is the mantra of Bhutan that looks at the principles of interdependency, cultural preservation, cultural integrity, ecological and stewardness, and ecological sustainability. No one should achieve material wealth at the expense of others. We need training in the US to redefine success from something personal to providing service. We are...

The Drug Shortage "Crisis"

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Suddenly, out of nowhere, we seem to be facing what are being called "drug shortages" for some chemotherapy drugs, certain antibiotics, ADHD drugs, some anesthetics, and even electrolye solutions. Sounds fishy to me! While it is difficult to be certain, the lack of respectable ethics of Big Pharma makes one wonder what is going on. Could it be that...

Toxicity of Pollution

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Pollution now affects even the waters at the poles of the earth. A study on the extent of pollution in humans was done and is presented. CDC studies on the importance of pollution are inadequate.

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