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Designs For Health: Twice Daily Essential Packets

submitted by: admin on 12/26/2024
  Twice Daily Essential™ Packets allows patients to get their daily essential nutrients in two easy packets. No need to count, sort, or measure. Now with OmegAvail™ Synergy (previously OmegAvail™ Ultra) to provide more balanced fatty acid intake (omega-3 and omega-6 from GLA) over the long term. All the basics are here: Twice...

Dr. Saputo's Daily Health Tip

submitted by: admin on 12/26/2024
Dr. Saputo's Daily Health Tip: This week Dr. Saputo will be talking about Heart DiseasePreventing Heart AttacksHeart attacks are preventable through a healthy lifestyle. An unhealthy lifestyle leads to inflammation and the development of arterial plaque. Tests for early detection and risk factors are reviewed. Approaches for prevention are described.

The PolyPill and PolyMeal

submitted by: admin on 12/26/2024
Big pharma has pushed using a combination of several pills (the PolyPill) for everyone to prevent diseases without regard to the complications. The PolyMeal is about having certain foods in your diet regularly to promote health.

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