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Acupuncture, Hypnosis and Infrared Light Work to Quit Smoking

submitted by: admin on 05/07/2015
A review of 14 studies was published in the American Journal of Medicine in May of 2012 showing that acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and infrared light therapy are effective in helpling quit smoking. Nonetheless, the authors recommended that people try drugs and behavioral therapy first. What are they thinking!! The non-drug approaches work better and are far less...

Belly Fat is Dangerous in People with a Normal Weight

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
  Even people with a normal weight who have excess belly fat are at 2.75 times the risk for cardiovascular death and 2.1 times the risk of all cause mortality according to researchers at the Mayo Clinic. Information from the NHANES study showed that an abnormal waist to hip ratio is a powerful predictive statistic. Abdominal fat is correlated with the...

HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)

submitted by: admin on 10/08/2013
  HRT has been exposed as a dangerous treatment through the Women's Health Initiative Study. HRT is associated with an increased incidence of breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and thromboses. Natural hormone replacement is discussed. The specific problems with HRT are reviewed and a rational approach for using hormones is presented.          

HRT: Stopping It Lowers the Risk of Breast Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/08/2013
  Women who cut back on HRT are at lower risk for developing breast cancer within a year! Estrogen sensitive tumors are very responsive to estrogen. HRT and bio-identical hormones are contrasted and discussed in relation to the risk of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and thromboses.              

Skipping Medications Can Be Dangerous

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Medications all have side effects, but there are times when they save lives. The cost of drugs results in some people skipping them but the consequences can lead to more hospitalizations and more deaths

Water Disinfectant By Products are Dangerous

submitted by: admin on 08/04/2014
  Clearly, we need disinfected water so we aren't at risk for many diseases such as cholera and hepatitis. However there are more than 600 water disinfectant byproducts have been discovered and many are toxic. The EPA regulates only 11 of these products. Haloacetic acid (HAAs), triclosan, dioxins, chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceutical drugs, and many...

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