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submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Health care disparaties are common and as a society we are only as healthy as our weakest link. We also need to be in harmony with our environment, and many medical treatments pay no attention to this. Mayor Newsome has created a program called "Healthy San Francisco," that provides a beginning program of integrative health care for the indigent. Diet,...
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Medical research is purported to be based on randomized controlled trials. However, there is another approach that is called "outcome" research.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
There is a pressing need to move forward from a symptom relieving to a healing tradition. The Native American Tradition states that our leader is within, not outside. The time for the lone wolf is over; now we must enter a journey in the inside for the benefit of all. This Hopi poem is about love and letting go of the fear that separates us from all there is.
submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The journey of a young healer that began in early childhood is shared. Medical training focused on treating symptoms, not healing. His training extended to CAM with Andrew Weil and with the Native American Tradition. He learned that the body is a reflector of who we are at the psychospiritual level.