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Americans are Sicker and Die Sooner than all Other Industrialized Countries

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
  Overall, Americans die sooner and have higher rates of disease and injury from birth to age 75 than all other industrialized countries! Included are infant mortality, birth weight, injuries and homicides, teen pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, drug deaths, obesity and diabetes, chronic lung disease and generalized disability. Over...

Analgestics, Bleeding, and Hearing Loss

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
The common analgesics that include NSAIDs, aspirin, and Tylenol cause a hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths annually in the US. We have a false sense of security because of advertising. Alternatives to drugs are offered.                

Are MDs Sleep Deprived?

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
We all know that doctors in training are sleep deprived. Recent data shows that a lot of practicing MDs are also sleep deprived. Lack of sleep leads to medical errors and patient suffering and mortality. MDs in training are abused because of the fraternal nature of medical training and also because it saves millions of dollars for training programs to work MDs...

Aspirin Cuts Heart Attacks But Not Deaths or Strokes

submitted by: admin on 10/26/2015
Low dose aspirin can lower the risk of heart attacks in people without a history of heart disease by about 20%, but it does not lower the death rate or the risk of stroke. Also, there is the added risk of GI bleeding secondary to aspirin use. The risk for getting a heart attack in primary prevention is lowered from 2.3% to 1.8%, which comes to a 20% lower risk...

Can Probiotics Protect Against Swine Flu Deaths?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  The 2009 H1N1 swine flu epidemic deaths in children were more related to MRSA than the virus itself. Simultaneous infection of MRSA and H1N1 increased mortality by 8 fold! Only 30% of children in ICU with swine flu did not have a co-existing serious disease. Of those, only 9% died. The potential value of the swine flu vaccine would not save many lives....

Do We Need a Covid Vaccine?

submitted by: admin on 04/27/2021
Has the number of cases of Covid 19 deaths been dramatically overestimated? Is there a safe and effective treatment that works in nearly 100% of people who have Covid 19? Do you believe that the Covid 19 vaccine safe and effective? If you answered yes to these three questions do you believe we need to distribute a vaccine an untested  mRNA...

Expected Deaths From Pharaceuticals in Hospitals

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that there are more than 100,000 deaths every year from the expected side effects of medications and more than two million hospitalizations as well.

Hospital Infections

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
The incidence of hospital acquired infections is on the rise. Hospital staff are not taking responsibility for washing hands or changing clothing, because they are too much in a hurry. 90,000 deaths occur annually from this cause.

Is Avandia Safe?

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Avandia remains on the market in the US despite serious health issues that include more than a 50% increase in heart attacks and mortality. All three "glitazones" have safety issues. Rezulin was taken off the market more than a decade ago because of severe liver disease. The third drug, Actos, remains suspicious but up to this point seems to be somewhat...

Natural Alternatives to Prescriptions

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
There are 400,000 deaths annually from prescription drugs. There are many far safer natural therapies that are equally or more effective than can be used instead. We review some of these examples.          

Obama Backtracks on Smog Prevention

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Despite Obama's promise to clean up our air, he has backtracked on legislation supporting lowering the levels of smog in our air. He has bowed to power plants and factories such as Dow Chemical by stating that it would cost thousands of jobs and $90 billion dollars in the bottom line for these polluting corporations. The cost is our health. There will be...

Prescription Drug Overdose Deaths on the Rise

submitted by: admin on 12/18/2013
Prescription drug overdoses are the leading cause of accidental deaths in the US. Forty percent of these deaths are from opioid prescriptions. Over the past three decades the number of drug poisonings has increased  sixfold, and there are now more than 36,000 deaths annually in the US. Between 1999 and 2010 physician prescriptions for opioids increased fourfold....

Preventable Deaths Due to Treatable Conditions in the US

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The US is ranked last among industrialized countries for preventable deaths because of lack of access to health care and complications caused by treatments. The practice of medicine is complicated and dangerous. Drugs cause about 400,000 deaths annually in the US.          

Preventable Medical Mistakes

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The Institute of Medicine calculates that there are 50-100,000 unnecessary deaths in the US every year. This number is likely much higher because of under-reporting. Personalized health care and working with causes rather than suppressing symptoms. We also need to work together...integratively.          

Reporting Medication Errors

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Doctors generally don't report medication errors because there's so much fear when a mistake is made. Practicing medicine is very difficult and doctors need to be fully engaged with their patients, rather than detached and scientific. MDs have their own lives that are filled with challenges and this takes away from giving their full attention; errors are more...

Resistant Microbes Found in Half of Infected Patient Rooms

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Multidrug resistant microbes such as acinetobacker baumannii, MRSA, C. diff, and vancomycin resistant enterococcus are found in 50% of infected patients rooms up to 2 months later! Patients with weakened immunity are especially vulnerable. These microbes are found on places that include supply cart handles, floors, infusion pumps, ventilator touch pads, bed rails,...

Skipping Medications Can Be Dangerous

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Medications all have side effects, but there are times when they save lives. The cost of drugs results in some people skipping them but the consequences can lead to more hospitalizations and more deaths

Smoking Causes Unnecessary Deaths

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Smoking accounts for more than 400,000 deaths every year in the US. The causes are identified and the mechanism of action discussed. Stronger controls to prevent these unnecessary deaths are needed.

US Healthcare Unimproved Over the Past Decade

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  US health care has failed to improve in most quality measures and there's been significant erosion in access to care and affordability. We rank last among all 16 industrialized countries with regard to deaths that might have been prevented with timely and effective care. This could account for 91,000 fewer deaths when compared to the country ranked...

Watching TV Can Lead to Premature Death

submitted by: admin on 07/08/2014
A study done at the University of Navarra in Spain published an article in the Journal of the American Heart Association in June of 2014 that followed more than 13,000 healthy people with an average age of 37 for more than 8 years. They assessed 3 different types of sedentary behavior to see if they had an effect on premature mortality. What they discovered...

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