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Medical Journal Articles: Should the Public Have Free Access?

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
We pay for the National Institute of Health's research with our tax dollars. Yet we pay again to get the information from medical journals. Medical journals have become a business first and service when possible.        

Medical Journals Reflect Pharma Conflicts of Interest

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
In order to validate research, it is necessary to look into who is funding the research as well as who is doing it. When a pharmaceutical company funds a research project, they want to make that drug look like a new wonder drug and they their primary concern is not whether it is effective or that it has side effects. They have very limited ethics. They are looking...

Medical Marijuana as Therapy for Cancer with Donald Abrams, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Medical marijuana is a valuable asset in treatment, especially in cancer and HIV, but it has legal ramifications. Research objectively documents its value. Delivery systems are discussed. Cannabis is synergistic with opoids.        

Medical Residency Training Reform

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Medical experts are calling for resident working hour restrictions to prevent medical errors from medical resident fatigue and lack of supervision. They called for sweeping changes in the design, supervision and financing of US hospital residency programs to protect both patients and medical residents in training from serious, preventable medical errors, and...

Medical Residents Working Hours are Excessive

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Traditionally, doctors-in-training have been abused in many ways. The reasons for this and the issues involved are explored. It is a sad reflection of how money runs America and how inappropriate medical training really is.          

Medical School-Big Pharma Conflicts of Interest

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
  The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) is grading med schools on their ability to block Big Pharma representatives from bribing them with meals, gifts, free drug samples, and industry funded education. Only two medical schools had a perfect scorecard. Of the 152 med schools, only 105 received a grade of A or B. This was up from 2008 when only...

Medical Student Burnout

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Medical students are abused with long working hours and teaching methods. It is no wonder that 11% of med students contemplate suicide and that there's such a high rate of drug abuse, divorce, and suicide among MDs.          

Medical Wrongdoing is a Criminal Act

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
It is a legal doctrine that holds corporate officers liable for company wrongdoing. However, in the medical arena, enforcement is minimal and companies get away with murder! The Vioxx story is a classic example where deliberate action knowingly led to 50,000 deaths and not one person was criminally prosecuted. In fact, the company denied any wrongdoing at all...

Medicare Prescription Plan Problems

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
The Medicare prescription plan provides some cost savings, but the government is prohibited from negotiating for lower prices and there is a hole in coverage that many cannot afford to pay for.        

Medication Errors in the Elderly

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Many elderly patients are vulnerable to serious medication errors. Elderly patients take 4-6 medications on a daily basis. The interreactions are unknown and side effects are expected, especially when taken in combination.

Medications After a Heart Attack are Crucial

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
If you have had a heart attack and you don't take your prescription medications leads to an 80% higher risk for another heart attack. Nutritional alternatives are often as good as medications, but not enough MDs know sufficient information to do this safely. Drugs such as beta blockers, afterload reducers, and anticoagulants. Some natural alternatives are...

Medicine For The Third Millenium

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Today's health care system is in need of major reform. It does not work that well; we have an epidemic of chronic illnesses that affects about 50% of the population. The cost of health care is skyrocketing, we spend nearly twice the amount of any industrialized country and are still ranked 37th in the world in overall quality of care by the World Health Organization,...

Medicine For The Third Millennium

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki introduce us to Health Medicine: integrative, holistic, person-centered, preventive health care.        

Menopause and Enzymes with Ellen Cutler, MD, DC

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Menopause can be managed with enzymes and without hormone replacement most of the time. Good digestion is crucial to good health. Toxification is underappreciated. Overeating and excessive sugar consumption induce menopausal symptoms. BioSet to detect food and other allergies can help prevent leaky gut syndrome and improve digestion and quality of life.          

Mental Health Drug Research Biased

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
According to an article in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, presentations at the American Psychiatric Association only include research that is supports drugs studied in research. Of 278 studies presented over the past 2 years, 195 were supported by big pharma and 83 from other sources. Among those funded by the industry, none presented showed a negative...

Meprobamate Recalled After 50 Years

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
The European Medicine Agency is recommending removing meprobamate (Equanil, Miltown) from the market after being available by prescription for 50 years because of possible fatalities related to rapid withdrawal. The FDA has done nothing in the US. It is also a common street drug in the US. Psychiatry today relies on drugs rather than dealing with the underlying...

Mercury: Is There Poison in Your Mouth?

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
For over 150 years there has been a debate between the American Dental Association, the Environmental Protection Agency, and Complementary and Alternative Medicine about whether or not amalgam dental fillings are safe.  Amalgams are the silver fillings we have in our teeth. After the dentist has prepared the cavity in your tooth for filling, he prepares...

Methamphetamine Addiction

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Methamphetamines are widespread, highly addictive, difficult to get off, and easy to manufacture at home. Legislation is not likely to solve the problem. It is necessary to deal with why people use drugs in the first place. Its use is related to anxiety, depression, frustration with life, peer pressure, curiosity etc. We need appropriate education and counseling...

Mindful Eating and Obesity with Sandy Severin, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Mindful eating can help stop overeating and help us differentiate need from recreation. Unconscious eating is what we do. Calories in and calories out are discussed. Being in the moment brings greater pleasure from eating.        

Mistakes are Common in US Hospitals

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
About one in three people in the US will encounter some kind of medical mistake during a hospitalization. The number of mistakes has been seriously underestimated as new studies show that there are about 10 times more errors than previously believed. We cannot depend on health care practitioners to admit their errors unless there's no other option. A tool...

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