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Looking at Today's Reality with John Renesch

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We must look at the shadow side of reality before we can fix it. Every system in our culture is now dysfunctional and we�re slaves to those systems. John challenges some of the dogma in our society to stimulate change.

Some Doctors are Firing Patients Who Refuse Immunizations

submitted by: admin on 10/19/2019
Many pediatricians are firing patients and their families if they refuse vaccines for their children! Two studies on this subject showed that 20-30% of pediatricians have fired patient because of this. Patients are beginning to do their own research about the validity of immunizations and there is clearly room for controversy. Yet our pediatricians simply follow...

The Gap Between Good Science and Dogma

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
We make a lot assumptions based on superficial observations that have become accepted without scientific rigor. Policy by proclamation is not scientific. We must have funding from NIH for some of this research.

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