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About Waking Up with Robert Moss

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Dreams are about waking up to the real issues in life. Techniques to awaken are offered to awaken. Listening to dreams is very important; they offer great insights to problems. Visions of possibility are offered. Dreams, coincidence, and imagination are the "three only things" that Dr. Moss highlights.                

Dreaming Heals Emotions

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  Stress chemicals such as nor-epinephrine shut down and the brain processes emotional experiences during REM sleep according to new research coming out of UC Berkeley that is published in the journal, Current Biology. During REM sleep memories are reactivated, put in a perspective, and connected and integrated, but in a state when stress neurochemicals...

Solstice with Phillip Scott

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
Winter Solstice is a sacred threshold between the light and dark that allows us to move into the time of profound dreaming, a time for internalization, replenishment and recuperation.

Taking Charge of Your Life with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Personal empowerment is all about taking charge of our lives, yet "taking charge" is not really about taking control.  Many times it's about letting go, releasing ourselves of the impossible task to control everything.  At the core of this process is trust.  To build that trust is to learn about where our real power lies.  This...

The Nine Powers of Dreaming with Robert Moss

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Dreams are the experience of a larger reality. There are nine powers of dreaming: We solve problems in our sleep; we rehearse the future; dreaming is medicine, what the body needs to diagnose problems; dreams hold up a magic mirror or reflection of ourselves; they are a secret lab; they are a creative studio; they help us mend our divided souls; is...

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