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drug side effects

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Does Chiropractic Help with Cervical Headaches?

submitted by: admin on 06/01/2014
  There is a clear bias against chiropractic manipulation by most of mainstream medicine, but it is changing from public demand. There is a growing body of impressive evidence that it works for low back pain and for relieving headaches in people with cervical disc disease. In a meta-analysis of 9 studies, 6 showed a positive benefit from chiropractic....

Osteoporosis: Taking Prescription Drugs or Living a Healthy Lifestyle

submitted by: admin on 03/12/2025
needs text

Should Big Pharma be Protected Against Law Suits for Unlabeled Side Effects?

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  In 2011 there was a US Supreme Court ruling that pharmaceutical companies making drugs during the life of their patent are liable for inadequate safety warnings on the label of the drug. In June of 2013 the same court ruled that generic drug producers were NOT liable for law suits related to adverse drug reactions not printed on the label so long as...

Type 2 Diabetes: Why Lifestyle Matters

submitted by: admin on 01/09/2017
Lifestyle is a powerful antidote to inflammation. All the pharmaceutical drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes have significant side effects that are potentially serious. The common drug classes used to treat diabetes are reviewed. Some of these drugs increase the risk of heart attack and death by more than 50%.            

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